Part 19

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You woke up to the sound of gunfire. But it wasn't the sound you were used to. It was constant, as if someone was training. As if anyone here would practice anything.

You sighed and glanced over at your alarm clock seeing that it was 12:36pm.

"Zeta why didn't you wake me up?!" You gasped as you quickly stood and began to put in your armor.

[i was busy.]

"That's no excuse- wait..." you paused, "busy..?" You finished getting ready and put your helmet on. "Busy with what?"

[well... church found me last night and I've been keeping him busy and the guys called for reinforcements and-]
Wait- church? What do you mean he's back?
[apparently he was put into a mode in which I can access. But it works both ways so he can see me if I'm not careful]

Jeez that's weird... so you've been keeping him busy?
[yes. He thinks he is a ghost so I just went along with it.. I could've sworn alpha was smarter]

Alpha? That's him?
[oh! Uh-]
[i didn't want to bug you about that like I used to so I didn't mention it..]
Huh.. yeah I would've imagined him smarter too..

Wait you said we got reinforcements?
[yes but I can't access the command control panel so I'm unable to run a background check. You'll have to see who it is yourself]
Got it.


You checked on a few things on your computer before heading outside. You followed the sounds of the gun up to the roof where you saw tucker, caboose, and a somewhat familiar black figure. Caboose was standing at the wall completely surrounded by dents in the wall where bullets had obviously struck. You stopped when everyone turned towards you.

"So who's this?" You asked nonchalantly. Something felt familiar about the soldier.

"This is the reinforcement we called for... tex"

"Tex?" You asked with a confused tone.

As in, Texas??
[im not entirely sure, we haven't really spoken with Texas that much when we new her]

The soldier nodded without a word. You both exchanged glances for a few moments before you looked back up to see the still frightened caboose by the wall.

Ok I don't care who this is but they shouldn't be using my teammates as target practice.
[Oh my god you're starting to care!]
No I'm not shut up.

"Hey uh- Tex, can you come with me for a sec? Thanks." You began to walk back into the base without letting the soldier answer. They had no other choice but to follow you.


You walked into a part of the base where you were away from the rest of your team and stopped. The soldier stopping as well.

You turned to them and tilted your head, "command isn't supposed to send any real soldiers so what are you?" You asked with a firm tone.

A deep voice responded, "I'm special forces."

[theres a voice modifier]
Thanks z

"What forces, specifically?"

The soldier stared at you as if they wanted you to stop questioning. "Freelancer"

Your heart, stopped. You felt a wave of energy rush over you.


"TEX?!" You yelled in an excited question, "as in, agent Texas of Project Freelancer?!"

She tilted her head with a confused expression, "do I know you?"

"Kinda. We've talked like twice and that's it." Your reply was met with more confusion. "It's (c/n)"

"...(c/n)?" She asked. Her tone made your joy slowly drain away. Something wasn't right. "But. You're not supposed to- how are you here??" She asked.

"I'm 99% sure I got fricking dropped by the company." You said, matter-of-factly.

"Oh and what's with the voice modifier?"

She still looked stunned but snapped out of it after you had changed the subject, "oh, uh. It treats me better in the work place" she stated. You nodded with a prolonged 'oh' before agreeing. Men always got paid more.

"So what did they even call you for? I keep telling them we can handle things"

"Well I guess they didn't believe you because they called me to help get back the flag"

You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck, "ugh that's so stupid, why am I here?"

She seemed to find that funny and shrugged as an answer.

"Well, I should probably get going so I can get this job over with" she stood up straight and loaded her pistol.

You wanted so badly to ask her to stay longer.. you weren't even that close with her but she was a friend nonetheless. "Good luck" you sighed and she began to leave.


It's been a while since Tex left to get the flag. Once again, you chose not to intervene. You got to see 'ghost church' earlier too. It was basically him freaking out that tex was there and stuff but you didn't really care to listen to him.

Somehow caboose got the sniper rifle and started using it as a telescope seeing that Tex was 'captured'

Captured in quotations because you doubted that she wasn't in control with the situation, even if she made it look like she was losing.

Things are getting weird here...
[things are fine]

Really crappy and short chapter but I'm trying to speed past bloodgulch so I can get back to WASH but still develop a relationship with the other characters so BARE WITH ME IT WILL GET BETTER I PROMISE

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