Chapter 34

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The sound of gunshots filled your ears, startling you. "Zeta, What was that?" You asked as you turned around and slowly exited your room. The silence in your head concerned you. "Zeta..?"

The gunshots continued. You hurried down the long halls, the place seemed empty. Where was everyone? All the workers and soldiers? What was going on? You entered the locker room in hopes to find somebody, but groaned at the same emptiness that seemed to fill the entire ship. The shots seemed louder, and you realized where they were coming from. You walked in and looked through the window down to the training room floor. Your breath hitched at what you found below and you stepped back in shock.

You shook your head and closed your eyes, trying to make distance from yourself and the scene. "No.. no..! N-" you cut yourself off feeling something behind you. You couldn't move, you were frozen in place. A final gunshot rang in your ears, and everything jerked to a halt.


You gasped as your eyes shot open, your ears ringing as you pushed yourself up from your bed. You kicked the thin blankets off of you and buried your face in your hands. Your body shook, your breath was painful and quick.
"Zeta.." you mumbled, your voice almost sounding like a cry.

[woah, (n/n) calm down! What happened?]
Where- where were you??

You squeezed your eyes shut and held your head tightly. After a moment the ai realized what was going on and was quick to sort through your recent memories to see what happened this time.. it had been a while since you've had such bad nightmares.

[oh god..]
[its alright, (y/n), It wasn't real.]
But.. it was..
[no it wasn't.. you're right here, the reds and blues are outside. Everything is okay..]
But they aren't....


It took a long while for you to calm down after that, but eventually you put yourself together, at least enough to fake your usual personality. You sighed to yourself and put on your armor slowly, knowing you'd have to leave your room eventually. Once you did you saw that the others weren't in the base, and yelling was coming from the outside. It seemed like it was back to old business. You sighed and looked around the base once more before heading out.

As you thought, it was indeed business as usual with the reds and blues. They were already starting to make a fuss with each other, and it seemed like wash was getting in on it too. You rolled your eyes to yourself and found a ledge in the rocks that you could claim. You sat down tiredly. You were still beat up from what happened at sidewinder, so avoiding the attention of the reds and blues became a major part of your day. You sighed and leaned back against the rocks, letting your eyes take in the new scenery.

[hey, (n/n)..?]
[are you..]
[are you going to be okay..?]

You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your head back as you pulled a small grin onto your face.

Yes, z. I'm going to be fine. I am fine...
[are you sure?]

The ai seemed nervous. Your actions over the last few days were concerning, he had seen you upset but never as much as it has been recently.

I'm fine.
Don't ask me again, okay z?
[im just making sure..]
Thanks z..

You sighed to yourself. You could tell that zeta was worried about you, he always was and you were grateful. But right now you just wanted to forget about everything that was hurting you. You just wanted it to go away.


You opened you eyes slowly seeing who was there. Wash stood in front of you, switching between looking at you and the ground. "Mhm?" You hummed, you still felt a bit.. weird being around the guy but you couldn't tell what was causing it anymore.

"I just Uh.. I just came to check on you since you were out.. make sure you're doing okay and all.." he said, looking off to the side a bit.

"Oh, yeah, I'm.. okay, I guess.." you replied, sitting up a bit. Silence filled the air, but you couldn't bring yourself to say anything more.

A few moments passed before wash finally spoke up. "Can I Uh.. can I sit?"

".. Yeah. Go ahead.." you replied, bringing your knees up slightly.

Wash stood for a moment as if to make sure you approved before he sat next to you. He sighed and took a seat, looking off to where the reds and blues were. You looked over to the reds and blues as well, but your eyes slowly made their way back to wash. you sighed and took off your helmet, the sun hitting your face for the first time in a while. You looked away from the other freelancer, you wanted to say something but you couldn't. You bit your lip in frustration.

Wash saw you remove your helmet and looked over to you. He saw the troubled look on your face and tilted his head. "Hey what's the matter?" He asked.

"... it's nothing.." you huffed, closing your eyes to avoid the freelancer's attention.

"You sure..? You can talk to me you know?" Wash asked. You nodded as a response but that didn't seem to put him at ease. He sighed and gently placed his hand over yours. You stiffened at his actions, but didn't pull your hand away.

You needed to get these haunting thoughts out of your way before they caused you trouble, but it was a lot harder than you remembered. Nevertheless you knew you'd manage to push them down sooner or later. "I'm fine wash, I just... I need some time to clear things up..." you mumbled, lowering your head slightly.

Wash sighed, looking down to you. He had only seen you upset a couple times, and it was never over something insignificant. You were good at keeping yourself under control, so if he saw you this vulnerable then he knew things weren't good, even if you told him so.

Before he could do anything, you huffed and slid your hand out from beneath his. You decided it wouldn't be good to sit around and mope for much longer, even if you still didn't feel like you had recovered. You pushed yourself up from the ground with a sigh and dusted yourself off. You looked at wash briefly as you picked up your helmet, he looked confused.

"Whelp.. im going to go check on the blues before something bad and/or stupid happens... it's not a good idea to leave them unsupervised for too long" You smirked as you put on your helmet.

"Yeah you're probably right." Wash admitted. He could tell you were trying to lighten the air and grinned slightly as he stood. Lots of things may have changed, but it seemed like you were still the same old (n/n) he knew. He was glad.

Oof I can't write for crap.

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