Part 6

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The pelican landed nearby and you and York boarded before taking off to pick up Maine. "Who's hurt?"you asked worriedly as North motioned to Wyoming. You grabbed the med kit and headed over to his seat to see the damage. He had been shot in the lower shoulder and collar bone. Not life threatening as long as it's treated quickly. You talked to him making sure we wasn't in shock or anything. He seemed to be doing fine besides the pain. You quickly worked on seeing how bad the wounds were and if the bullets were still there or not before beginning to patch him up. The pelican landed in on top of a lower parking lot and York and North exited to get Maine. You were disinfecting Wyoming's wounds as the two came back carrying Maine. You quickly stood and instructed them to set him lay him down instead of trying to get him to sit in a seat before turning to Wyoming, "hey hold this here and I'll be back as soon as I can." You said calmly and he nodded thanking you in his strong accent.

The pelican took off again and picked up Carolina as you knelt down next to Maine and examined his injuries. The very sight of your friend hurt so badly sickened you but you ignored the feeling in order to do your job. His throat and neck were severely damaged and there wasn't much you could do without surgeon's tools. You took some light chemicals to numb the pain along with some disinfectant and damped some gauze with them before gently setting it on his throat. The barely conscious man tried to groan in pain but was straining. You grabbed his hand for a moment as a way to calm him, "You're going to be fine, try to relax or you'll hurt yourself ok?" He sighed indicating that he understood. Everyone watched in silence as You quickly examined his chest for the bullet wounds he has sustained. The first one was in the shoulder so you didn't have to worry about it. The second, however, was in an area that could be problematic. You ran your fingers down his chest plate counting to yourself where each of his ribs would be to indicate what the bullet had struck, "one, two, three, four- damn..." you whispered so Maine wouldn't worry. It had punctured his lung. You did the best you could to numb his pain and stop the bleeding but he needed a hospital, fast.

Everyone was amazed at how fast paced and efficient you worked having knowledge in the medical field. They watched as your worked away with minimal supplies and un-ideal conditions. You looked up to Wyoming for a moment, "You ok?" He nodded as he watched you working with Maine. Nobody could understand how you could work so hard and effectively when dealing with someone's life in your hands, not to mention that it was a close friend.

After finishing with everything you could do you sighed and rested your head in your hands as you sat on the floor next to Maine. This one action concerned your friends. Although you were serious about your work you were always in a good mood and ready to help others no matter what happened, but this situation was different. You were hurting, you were tired, you were stressed, you were scared...

Wash, North and York were the only ones paying attention but they could tell something was up. Wash was about to say something but you stood up and sighed before speaking, "Everyone else ok..?" You asked in a tone that was slightly less cheerful than normal. "Yeah we're fine..." York replied. "How is he..?" Wash asked hesitantly. You stared at the ground and didn't give a reply.


The pelican landed at Angel on My Shoulder medical emergency facility. As soon as the door opened A.M.S. workers rushed in and took Maine to a stretcher. You quickly followed and helped wheel him with the doctors informing them on his injuries so he'd have more time. Wash followed from behind, worried for Maine. They wheeled him through a door quickly shutting it instructing that it was for medical personnel only. Wash sighed and kicked the door,"Stupid medic bull..." he mumbled. You stood in front of the door looking straight ahead. Your eyes were wide under you visor as you were shocked. Of course... I can't help, that's not my job anymore. Wash watched as you slowly tilted your head down in a sigh. Your hand reached over to your side and touched it gently as you grimaced at the remembrance of your own injuries. You pulled your hand away and it was covered in blood. "(N-n/N)..?" Wash called out to you worried. You slowly turned to him revealing your wounds and your vision blurred as you felt yourself fall for a second before being caught by something or, someone. There was yelling as people rushed over and surrounded you as your senses dulled until there was only blackness.

Ok my writing sucks lol

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