Part 23

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"Ugh, I still can't believe we both got transferred to the same place" church complained while sitting on a chair doing nothing.

"Yeah me neither.." you responded, although you knew that you were the one that scheduled yourself to be transferred with church. Although you didn't really associate yourself with the project anymore, you still had a feeling that you should keep an eye on him.

"And quit eating all the pickles! I like them too ya know."

"I like them more. And wait- you can't even eat! You're an- a ghost, in a robotic body"

"Oh yeah. I forgot.."

"You idiot"


It's been over a year since everyone in your little canyon hell got separated and relocated, and you've spent your time not really doing anything but bickering with church. You two were the only soldiers at your base with meant a lot of time spent with the ai disguised as an angry blue soldier.

On the flip side of things you've been doing pretty well. Although you're still a bit confused on exactly what went on in bloodgulch, you may have lost a piece of your sanity in the process, you're almost back to the way you were before your assignment. Not really as cheerful as before but your wit was still there, and you actually cared enough to participate again.

"Hey church, maybe you should go do some target practice" you suggested sarcastically, he was the worst shot you had ever seen.

He scoffed, "I don't need target practice!"

"You couldn't hit a target even if it were 5 feet away from you"

"Not true!"

"Then shoot something"

"What do you want me to shoot?"

[(c/n) that's awful!]
Hahaha I thought it was pretty funny.

"Hmm.. how about we go up on the wall and you can shoot any one of the rocks you think you'll hit" you said acting like he was a child.

"Fine!" He scoffed.


You two walked through the maze of halls in your base until you finally came across the staircase leading up to the front wall of the base.

You jumped up and stood on the edge that served as a rail. "Take your pick" you grinned under your helmet as you gestured behind you to all the stones buried in the ground.

He leaned on the edge and looked around for a moment, "okay that one"

You stifled a laugh, he couldn't even pick a decent target.

"Oh shut up! I can totally make that!"

You sighed and sat with your legs over the wall, "$100 says you can't"

"Oh now you're on" he said pridefully as he aimed his rifle. He waited for an extra moment to make sure he'd hit it.

How far off is he?
[6 degrees]
Hah, what a loser



You couldn't help but laugh, warning you another scolding from the soldier.

"Victory~!" You yelled as you swung your feet to the other side of the wall. "I'll get your wallet" you smirked as you started to walk off.

"Hey hey wait!" He yelled but with no result.


"Ahh yes~" you sighed happily as you walked through the halls $100 richer. You went into your room to put it away when you heard a gunshot.

You groaned and stepped outside your room, "face it church you're never gonna hit it!" You yelled through the hall. Your tease was met with no answer, but another gunshot.

Uhm is he okay or..?
Okay seriously don't ignore me.
[id just go outside if I were you]
Why, what's wrong?
How many times do I have to tell you to stop that?!

You groaned and hurried up to the wall where church was.

"What's going on-"

A voice interrupted you, "Church! Church! It's me! Your all time best friend!"

Wait what?

"Caboose? Caboose is that you?" Church called as he prepared his sniper rifle.

"You're never gonna hit him"

"Well it doesn't hurt to try"

"Yes! It's me! I have missed you so much!"

A series of gunshots were unloaded, all hitting the dirt. "What?! I missed him!"

You failed to hold in your laugh.

"Go. Away." Church growled, ignoring you. He reloaded his gun and started firing again, making you laugh at his incompetence again.

You peered over the edge trying to see if church had gotten even close to caboose, which he hadn't, but you also saw someone else there. Your mood immediately changed to serious at the sight of his armor.

You rushed back at church and told him to stop but he pushed you away determined to shoot caboose. You growled before deciding you didn't give a crap to deal with his stubbornness so you shoved him back into the wall behind him.

"Ow! What the heck?!"

"Shut up, I need to go see something really quick" you said before walking up to the edge of the wall. Taking another look at the soldier that was with caboose.

There's no way.
Anyone could wear that color, right?

"Agh! (L/n)! You're here too?! I missed you!" Caboose yelled.

You sighed as the loud soldier scattered your thoughts, "yes, hi caboose." You said before quickly stepping back from the edge and going down stairs to the front of the base.

You walked quickly over to where the two soldiers stood speaking before anyone else could. You grabbed the unknown soldier by his chest plate and pulled him down to your eye level, "whats your name?" You demanded.

He flinched for a second, "Uhm, you can call me agent Washington" he said nervously.

You gasped and pushed him away. You both looked stunned.

Oh.. my god..

It was him. The voice, the look, the nervousness when threatened. It was really him. You couldn't believe your eyes, or your ears. You didn't know what to do.

Quick chapter for you guys.


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