Part 20

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(A/n) the majority of the comments said to keep the filling chapters so that's what I'm gonna do! Let this be a disclaimer that if these suck it's cuz my ideas are further along in the story and I needed fillers...

It hasn't been too long since Tex first arrived, but then again everything happens so fast here. You can go from the average day to fighting your own tank in a heartbeat.

You wanted so badly to catch up with your fellow Freelancer but unfortunately her mind was set on her job. Which it very well should be. But you had so many questions, doubting that she would be able to answer much, but one main thing was in your mind.

The way she spoke to you when you both found out you knew each other was.. unexpected. Her tone was extremely confusing, sounding like she didn't think she'd ever see you in a million years. You wanted to ask about it at first but after a long discussion with zeta you both found yourselves assuming it was just oddly interpreted.


"Okay I'm going to try and keep up with my logs so that I'll actually have something later on to prove that this actually happened and I'm not insane...-"



[you hate this so much it's funny now]

"Oh shut up you're not the one dealing with all this! How about you go stand around with those idiots and listen to them whine about all their insignificant problems? How about you go and make all their meals? How about you sit there not doing anything but contemplating your existence because you're completely ignored and useless and-" you cut yourself off knowing that you were starting to get worked up. It was almost a reflex to stop yourself now a days. You let your head fall into your hands and squeezed your eyes shut.


You found yourself letting out an enormous sigh in frustration as you brushed your hair from your face, your gaze still glued downwards, "It- it's not even that bad here I just.. I just feel like crap, all the time. I don't know what's wrong with me..."

[should I end the log?]

"No... this is part of my life right now.. I guess it's better to record it..."

You managed to pull a smirk on your face and you finally got yourself to sit up straight with a more calming sigh, "Uhh, im pretty sure I'm losing my mind.. I don't... hate these guys but.. I don't know, whenever I'm around them I just feel like I have to hate them. They're just so weird.. or maybe it's me? It's probably me.."

[Its a combination of the circumstances and the fact that they aren't very good at first impressions]
[dont blame yourself]

You nodded and exhaled to regain some composure before deciding to just shut off the recording.

"This sucks"


"She-er.. tex come out yet?" You asked as you walked up to the top of the base.

"Nope" Tucker said flatly.

"He's definitely captured... or dead.. captured or dead..." caboose started, "or captured and dead!" He gasped.

"Well great. This is just fantastic!" A third, sarcastic voice said.

"Oh look it's ghost church" you shrugged, "how's the afterlife?" You asked as you turned to him, your voice laced with sarcasm.

"Amazing" he lied.

"why do you care about Tex, I thought you hated that guy for stealing your girlfriend?" Tucker asked, turning to church.

Wait what did I miss here..
[they spoke about how Tex was on sidewinder with alpha and killed everyone except him, he also spoke about relationship problems involving tex.]
Wtf he's an ai, where is he getting this from?
[i am not sure, it may be a side affect of implantation.. or possibly from whomever created him]

"I never said that Tex stole my girlfriend.. I only said that she was the reason we never got married" church explained.

There was a pause.

"Wait what?" Caboose asked in a confused tone.

"So let me get this straight.. you're telling me that the guy who showed up here, scared the living crap out of us, shot a caboose and beat the hell out of the reds wasn't a guy at all? That he was a chick? And on top of that she was your ex-girlfriend?" Tucker asked, basically stating the obvious.

"In a nutshell, yes. That's an excellent summary" church said.

"I should've known. She didn't like me. Girls. Never. Like me." Caboose cut in.

"I knew" you added.

"What?! You did? Why didn't you say anything?" Tucker yelled.

"You never asked"

"Wait how did you know?" Church asked.

Uh oh
[stay calm it's ok]
"None of your business"

"I've never seen a girl that mean before, she passes (l/n) by a mile"

"Gee thanks tucker.."

Of course the guys mostly ignored you like they always did but you decided to stay and listen to their stupid conversation, although you didn't pay too much attention. They talked about Tex being part shark at one point. And then they talked about how God was making half women, half sharks. Church kept trying to defend her and kept failing until he began talking about something that grabbed at your attention.

"-she got recruited into some weird experimental program back in basic, where they infused her armor with this really aggressive a.i.-"

"Wait wait wait, church, stop real quick" you interrupted.

The three.. or two soldiers and ghost/ai thing looked at you, "what?" Church asked annoyed.

"I don't want to hear anymore on this topic." You started to walk backwards to the ramp.


"-Shush, just wait till I'm gone to talk about that crap, see ya!" You yelled from the bottom of the ramp before heading into the base, you didn't want to be a part of that monstrosity any longer.

"What's with her?" Tucker asked.

"I don't know" churched answered, obviously thinking about something.

"I think it's because she doesn't like us" Caboose said.

"She doesn't like anyone" Tucker corrected.

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