Part 16

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(A/N) This beginning is a video log similar to the ones York made that Carolina found.

"This is commanding officer (L/n) of the... official, blue.. army.." you sighed a breath of just utter exhaustion and disbelief, "log one of.. god knows how many.. Well uh, Flori-er.. Flowers is dead..." you hummed awkwardly not knowing what to say, "yup. It's been a little over a week here and he's gone.. I was just walking in the hallway, taking in the morning air, and there he was.. The guys on my team insisted he had a heart attack even though I used to be a medical officer and he obviously had some sort of allergic reaction..."

[talk about your teammates.]

"Ugh do I have to? Alright. The people on my team.. they're pretty awful." You whisper to yourself 'thanks Florida'

"Church dubbed himself the C.O. After flowers died even though I already am but I don't want to interact with him let alone argue with him. And tucker.. dear lord.." you sighed as you covered your face with your hand, "where do I even start with him..."

[he's a jerk]

You laughed a little bit, "aw that's just cuz you're protective of me, Z. But anyways.. he's.. something. He hits on me nonstop and it's really inappropriate and he uses this dumb catchphrase every time.. If I wasn't doing a job right now I'd probably kill him. Or just everyone here. I can't stand it... So, then we got a rookie to replace flowers. I don't know what Florida was thinking picking these people as replacements but hes really screwing me over... the rookie hasn't really been too bad but he's... not that good either..."

You sighed again and it showed in the video how tired you were of this only after a week.

"I just... hope this'll be over soon. That's all I have to say, hopefully I'll keep my sanity until the next one, end log"

You were usually cheerful and upbeat, especially around others to keep everyone's morale up but this place was. Different for you.. not only are you away from everyone you know but you've also witnessed the death of a friend. This place was stressing you out and you had nobody to fall back on.. you were completely alone..

Your ai had to be remain hidden since you were undercover. He wasn't too happy about it and neither were so but you had to keep everything right. You let him Project himself and speak if you're in your room or in 'alone time'

Yes, alone time. God these people were weird. And they hated each other as much as you hated them.

"Hey (L/n)! Get out here would ya!" Church yelled from the other side of the base. You quietly groaned as you exited your room and quietly headed over to find wherever he was. Turns out he was outside the base with tucker.

"We got our new shipment and we got a fricking tank!" Tucker yelled excitedly.

Churches stared at the huge machine with a satisfied expression, "ya know? I can blow up the whole goddamn world with this thing..."

"Ya know what this would be great for? Picking up chicks!"

You stifled a laugh at this comment. Him? Getting chicks? In his dreams.

"Oh please" church started.

"Ya know I think we can pick up at least two or three chicks a piece!"

"What are you gonna go with two chicks?" Church asked, not believing tucker at all.

"It's not like there's anyone to 'pick up' anyways." You quietly added as you stood with your arms crossed wondering why you had to be here in the first place.

After tucker making yet another inappropriate joke the two went on talking about their families and relationships and what not. And that's when caboose came to see the tank. You were pretty tuned out of the conversation but one sentence make you snap back to reality.

"Ya know my dad always told me.. why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?"

"Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?"

"No I think he called her a slut"

You immediately stepped back and sighed, "I'm leaving" you mumbled because nobody would've listened to you anyways. You turned and left to head back to the base.


You decided to hang out on the top of the base since it was nice outside. You laid down and stared up at the sky trying to relax.

"I am guarding the flag!" Caboose suddenly yelled as he entered the base.

You rolled your eyes knowing that Church and Tucker probably made him do it so he'd leave.

You went back to staring at the sky, the clouds, the edge of the canon.. it was almost peaceful..

"Hello do you have any elbow grease?" An unfamiliar voice dang from inside the base.

What the fu-

"What about headlight fluid?"

Who is this guy?!

You stood up and looked through the hole in the base to find a man in bright red armor talking with caboose.

Should I step in?
[he doesn't have a weapon]
I'll take that as a no.

You watched as the two talked back and forth about nonsense until caboose handed over the flag to the man. You face palmed watching this happen.

What. An. Idiot.
[youre supposed to observe, not alter]
I know
[just reminding you]

You watched as the soldier exited the base with the flag and began to walk back to red base. You decided that since you couldn't do anything about it you should at least tell the others but caboose beat you to it.

"Hey guys!" He yelled

"WHAT. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT?!" Church yelled, clearly agitated by Caboose's annoyance.

"I just wanted to tell you! That the sargent came by! And picked up the flag!"

"THANKS FOR THE NEWS FLASH NOW LEAVE!" Church yelled before turning to tucker, "man one day I'm going to kill him if he doesn't clean up his- wait... what did he just say..?"

Tucker looked back to the base realizing what caboose had told them, "oh shit.."

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