Part 21

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[uhm, (y/n)]
[one of the reds had entered recovery mode]
What?! I leave these guys for 2 minutes and they kill someone. What happened this time??
[well, the blues made a plan to distract the reds while alpha goes and gets tex. He took possession of one of the reds and snuck Tex out and caboose shot him]

You couldn't help but face palm, of course caboose did it.

I guess I should go do something-
[wait, he's talking with alpha now.]
[alpha is pretending to be an angel to get $10..?]
[i can't believe, this is where I came from..]
Uhm, so yeah should I do something..?
[i think the reds are trying to- no wait yeah they revived him.]
Jesus these people are weird.


It only took a few minutes for tex to come back to blue base. She and church stood arguing about something while the other two cleaned their armor. You sat inside the base keeping yourself occupied.

"Hey, where do you guys keep your tools?" Tex asked, walking into the base.

You stood, a little confused on why she needed tools, "um over to the left, why?"

"The guys want me to fix the tank"

"It's broken?"

"Apparently.. I was a little confused because I could've sworn you were one of the ones taking extra jobs in the garage back at project Freelancer. I'm surprised they didn't ask you" she said.

"Yeah well we don't really talk that often.. and when we do I'm usually ignored so whatever"

"Wow, that sucks. Why would you let them do that? You over power all of them" she asked.

You sighed, "well for starters they don't know that I'm a Freelancer.. I was supposed to keep it a secret because this is supposed to be an 'under cover mission' but it turned out to be just a load of crap"

"Hey wait so if you're here then where's Florida? I thought you two went together?"

"We did... he died in like, the first week..."

"Oh.. I'm sorry.."

"It's fine" you sighed. "Want me to help with the tank?"



The two of you headed out and over to the tank that you somehow never noticed was broken. With a little working together you two managed to flip it over and began to work on repairing it. You saw that the blues were up on the cliffs discussing something but you didn't really care anymore, it's not like they'd bother to include you.

At some point they were complaining about how the other team had a girl... even though there were currently 2 girls on their own team. Tex got a little mad but you just told her to ignore them. The tank was getting fixed rather quickly, with you both working on it it was sure to be fixed soon.

"Hey tex!" Caboose called from the cliffs. "You didn't happen to hear anything about.. church's secret plan to warm the reds that you were fixing the tank?"

"Oh my god, idiots" you mumbled under your breath and continued working. Tex said nothing as a response but looked rather serious.

"Go easy on 'em Tex.. they're pretty pathetic" you sighed. She didn't respond.

[one of the others is here]
[can we leave?]
What, why? What's wrong?
[I don't like Omega..]

You glanced up at Tex. She seemed... different. Was this omega? You couldn't really tell but zeta was getting really uncomfortable. You sighed and put your tools away stating that you were going to ale a break. She nodded and kept to her work without a word.

She has an ai?
[yes, he scares me]
Have you spoken with him?
[not directly, no]


It wasn't more than a few minutes after you left that Tex had fixed the tank and immediately began attacking red base. She was relentless and seemed like she wanted to destroy the entire base, not only the ones in it.

What was omega again? Rage?
Yeesh.. Glad I got you..
I'd ask if I should help but i feel like I'd need to help the reds if anyone.
[just ride it out.. I doubt you'll be able to change anything]
Gee thanks Z.

After witnessing the one sided explosion battle you were shocked to see the 'girl' on the red team standing on top of the base. You knew he was a guy but of course the idiots on your team didn't have a clue.

Whelp, he's gonna die soon.

He started yelling something and then the next thing you knew he threw something. A grenade. It went surprisingly far and just so happened to land perfectly in the driver seat of the tank, where tex had been sitting.

Oh no that's not goo-


"Shit!" You yelled as you ran over to the remains of the tank. A Spanish speaking church ran there as well.

"Church.. it's gone.. the ai.. thank you" tex mumbled out, her last words before she keeled over.

"Ay dios mio, no!" Church yelled in a robotic body he had possessed.

"Why do all my friends keep dying?!" You yelled in frustration. "And why the heck are you speaking Spanish?!" You turned to church.

Church escaped from his robot body for a moment, only to cry about Tex and not answer your question.

You sighed and looked down to her, there goes another one. Great. You stood back up and sighed once again, you needed to get over these things quickly, with the speed that this canyon runs at, you'll lose another in a heartbeat.

What's the status on omega?
[he's under the radar, I can't locate him]
[... are you okay?]
I'm fine, let's just go check up on everyone else. Make sure these god forsaken people can stay for more than 5 seconds without killing someone.

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