Part 7

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You were ripped from your recovery as an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt swarmed you. Your eyes shot open and you quickly sat up in the infirmary bed. Your vision quickly blurred and you felt yourself grow dizzy as you tried to lower yourself back down. "Hey, take it easy.." a warm voice met your ears as you felt a hand on your shoulder helping you lay down again. "North..?" You blinked trying to get your eyes to focus. He smiled down at you, "yep and wash is here too" you looked over to wash and smirked at the sight of your friends watching over you. Not too long after, a sense of worry came over you, "w-where's Maine..?" You asked weakly as your wounds still ached. Wash sighed and looked down for a moment, "They've got him in an ICU..." he mumbled. "Oh god." You half cried half whispered as you covered your face with your hand.

I could've done more...
No, you did all you could.
This is my fault..
Quit taking so much responsibility.

~a few days later~

You, York, North , Wyoming and Wash were all taking your break hour together. You were all spending your time in the elite team's break room which was basically a mini lunch room to you all.

"So wash, how's your training?" You asked as you sat down with a can of soda.
"It's.. good. I guess.." he said hesitantly.
York scoffed, "Sure, if good means you still can't shoot if your life depended on it"
"Which it kinda does..." north added.
"Hey guys, I'm trying ok?" Wash whined in the middle of eating banana.
"For god sake wash, eat or talk not both!" You laughed-

"Agent (C/N)..." you were interrupted by a calm voice. You turned and saw it was the counselor. "Yes sir?" You stood and faced him. "I'd like to see you in my office if you don't mind" he said. You looked back to your friends and faked a pout as they gestured for you to go ahead. You turned back to the counselor and sighed, "ok.." you two exited.

"Again??" Wash asked in shock. "That's the forth time already." York added.


(In the counselor's office)

"So (C/N), I've gotten a couple reports of some insomnia coming from you."
"From where?" You questioned.
"You've been seen by some of the other workers here out of your quarters pretty late, when most would be sleeping." He responded calmly. There was a pause as you two sat in silence for a moment. "Do you have an explanation for these reports, (C/N)?"
You sighed, "I've just been waking up a lot.."
"Is there something causing you to wake up?" He persisted.
You waited a moment, "...Nightmares..."
the counselor wrote a few things down before looking up and seeing how discouraged you looked, "Do not fret, many soldiers of your caliber have unpleasant dreams. Now, do you mind telling me what these nightmares are about..? Is there a pattern to them?"
Once again, you hesitated...
The counselor waited for a response before moving on, "no worries, we will move on from that-"

"Counselor I require your presence." A familiar voice rang. It was the director. The counselor immediately excused himself and headed over to the director and began conversation.

What are they talking about-

"(C/N)" the director's voice called. You stood and acknowledged him. "It has been presented to me that you used your equipment in the field without proper calibration. That's very dangerous, you know what happened to some of our other agents." You nodded. He looked to the counselor and said something before looking back, "How would you feel about something to help you, take better control of yourself and your equipment." You looked confused, "what do you mean, sir?" He walked over to you until he was towering over you, "I am proposing a new technology we have acquired. If you feel that you are up to the challenge, I'd like you to be the first subject to try it." You adverted your gaze from meeting his, he sort of scared you.

New technology..? Why am I the first subject-

The counselor cut in, "it may even be beneficial to your mental health as well" he said."if I may ask, what is it, sir..?" You asked hesitantly. The director stepped back for a moment, "it is what you may call an, artificial intelligence unit. It will be implanted into your nervous system so you will be able to communicate and work as one. It's highly advanced" he stated in his intimidating voice. "So, what do you say?"

I feel like I'm being told. Not asked..

"I accept, sir"

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