Part 12

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Wash walked into the break area with a yawn as he had just woken up not too long ago.

"Morning!" North called as he took a seat with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Hey, north." He yawned again as he stretched out his arms. "I'm surprised (c/n)s not here, she's usually the first awake out of all of us." He sat down at the table too.

"Maybe the lass is sleeping in for once" Wyoming joined in on the conversation as he sat down with the others. "Sure" York scoffed.

"Hey York you look tired" wash noticed how York slouched more than usual.

The brunette let out a tired sigh, "yeah I've been up all night"

"Doing what?"

"Oh nothing.. just watching C. The girl really want to keep that spot right at the top" he shrugged as he gestured towards the board. The names still read Tex in first and Carolina in second. "Ya know, I'm surprised (N/n) hasn't been offed about Texas.. before tex came around she and Carolina were pretty competitive. But now C's passed her by a bit"

"Nah, I don't think she's the kind to get into a big competition over things. She's a hard worker but she's not... obsessed" North replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

Hard worker... Wash thought. What if she's- oh she better not be..

Wash stood up from the table with a sigh.

"Where ya going?" York asked.

"Engineering. (N/n) works there at night so-"

"You think she's still there?" North interrupted.

"I hope not, but she never sleeps in so it's possible that she's still there"


Ugghh I hate this..
[Maybe we should take a break-]
No! I'm almost done.

You were trying your hardest to finish up the last few components to get one of the warthogs up and running again. The only problem is it was taking forever and you start to get anxious the longer things take.

You were currently sitting on the floor working and stopping every few minutes to compose yourself. Of course every screw was stripped and every plate was warped. The mixture of every little car problem and the lack of sleep caused for easy frustration... a lot of frustration.

"Ok I can't, I'm done"

"Great let's go get something to eat and maybe take a nap and-"

"Wait maybe I could just.." you picked up your tools once more and work on the piece.

Your ai groaned in displeasure as he could not get you out of the stupid engineering bay. Of course it had to be the one day in the month that the soldiers get off so the ship can be maintained, meaning you could work all day.

"Ah-HA!" You smiled as you got the last piece to click in the complicated unit. Now all that was left was to replace it in the warthog. You lifted it and began to position it in the main engine compartment before picking up a socket wrench to tighten a few bolts to keep the unit in place.

"(N/n)..?" A familiar voice called from behind you.

You hummed in question not wanting to leave your work but decided it would be polite to actually face the person you were talking to so you stood up and turned to face the person.

"Oh hey wash!" You smiled.

"Hey.." she smirked as he took a look at his surroundings. "You came back here so early?"

"Hm? Oh, no.. I never left, silly!" You almost laughed as you smiled at him again. You turned back to the car to finish up knowing that he would probably ask you to get out of the stuffy garage.

"So you didn't sleep at all..?"

"Sleep? What's that?" You asked as you worked. The question was met by an awkward pause in the conversation, causing you to stand back up to face him, "woah I'm kidding. Don't worry, I took an hour or two" you smirked as you pushed on his shoulder as a way of telling him to loosen up.

He smiled and looked to he floor, "why do you work so much extra?" He asked with an innocent tone.

"Money" you shrugged. "I don't have much back at home so when I retire I want to have some money to get a house and stuff" you turned back to finish up your work, "that's also why I don't buy the extra supplies like you weirdos" you smirked at the sound of him reacting to the 'weirdo' part.

"Wait you don't buy extra?" He asked almost shocked.


"Not even food?!" He asked, making you laugh.

You sighed with a smile across your face as you shook your head, "I don't need it"

He sat on the floor with an over exaggerated motion, "I don't know how you can survive"

"I'm fine" you shrugged as you turned to him to send him another smile before beginning to put away your tools.


"Yep. What time is it? 9:30-ish?" You asked. Zeta appeared next to you "its 10:00"

"Hey Z" wash smiled, causing zeta to reappear next to him, "hi, how are you today?" They started to talk and you stood back and watched for a bit. It was funny how well they got along.

You guys are my otp
[Oh shut up he likes you]
Haha, funny.

A notification came up in Washington's visor.

"Oh hey it's breakfast. You're coming right?" Wash asked.

You stood for a second, "oh well actually-"

"(N/n)..." wash stopped you with a sad tone hoping to convince you.

You sighed and grabbed your stuff, "fine- but I'm going to go shower and stuff first. You go ahead, I'll catch up."

"Don't take too long" he sighed knowing that you could easily be lying to him.

You both began to walk in opposite directions, "I'll be there, I promise. Don't wait for me either!" You called before exiting the engineering bay.

Wash stood for a moment at the door before deciding to trust you and headed to the mess hall.

She better not 'forget'.. she's not taking care of herself at all...

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