Part 29

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After everyone had made their way inside the temple tucker explained everything that had happen to him since he was last seen. Not all of it made sense, but at least he had some sort of explanation. A few minutes into the conversation everyone had noticed that once again, Caboose had gone missing, and you all had to go on a small search for the blue soldier. Soon, however, he was found and with him was an unusual ball floating in the air.
The group quickly learned that this ball was none other than epsilon, moved to a new vessel by Caboose. After a lot of confusion, stupidity, and a pretty big gunfight, he and the reds had disappeared. This only left you, the blues, and the aliens.


[hey, can I come out]
Oh you're anxious I can already tell.
Yeah c'mon

Zeta appeared next to you with a relieved sigh. "Oh wow it's been forever~" he said.

You smiled and shook your head, "yeah sorry about that, but hey there's not really anymore secrets left so you don't need to be cooped up as much" you replied.

"Yeah- oh. I hear yelling" he said.

You groaned and started walking, "god what did those two do this time..?"


"Shoo aliens! Shoo!" Caboose yelled from on top of a pillar. "Rolled up newspaper!"

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you lost their all powerful deity." Tucker.

"Wait you lost church?!" You asked as you walked over to them. "How'd you do that?"

"I don't know, I just don't know where he went!" Caboose yelled.

The aliens continued to jump at Caboose, trying to reach him from atop the pillar, until one caught a glimpse of zeta. And they all stopped.


The all looked at you.


"Blarg! Blarg!"

"Uh oh" zeta whispered as he flickered a bit, but you told him to stay online. You felt extremely uncomfortable as they had circled around you and and for whatever reason had a large interest in not only your ai, but you as well.

"Is that an ai? Where did you get that thing?!" Tucker asked, surprised.

"What- I've always had it."

"Yeah, where have you been." Caboose said as he climbed down the pillar. "Hello. I'm Caboose!" He greeted.

"Hello Caboose, we already met in Valhalla." Zeta replied.

"Oh- right! I remember that." Caboose said.

The aliens seemed to inch closer as Caboose got near you, causing you to step back, "Uhm.."

"Yeah, I don't think they want you near (l/n), Caboose. Looks like they found someone else to bother for now."Tucker said.

"Oh- right"

"What- no, I am not here to entertain these guys" you protested. "Do something with your sword or something so they like you Tucker"

"Yeah i dunno, I don't really want to get in between an angry mob and their religious iconography." Tucker said.

Luckily, you could hear common voices from nearby. The reds had returned.

"Oh hey Sarge, you're back" Tucker said.

"Yup, and we brought Simmons too." Sarge replied.

"Oh hey look, that's the one that took church! You should go talk to him" you cut in, speaking  to the aliens. They all turned to Sarge hopefully. He seemed nervous but was forced to lead the aliens to church. You sighed in relief and told zeta to log off before following behind at a safe distance. After finding that church wasn't there, everyone seemed to scatter, leaving the aliens to tucker. Thank goodness it wasn't you again.

You eventually found yourself with Caboose and the reds, all surrounding church who laid in the sand. He finally started up, but his color was green instead of it original blue.

"Caboose, is that you" a robotic voice asked.


"Yes, you must listen. My time is brief, epsilon is not in full control right now, but he will Be shortly."

"That's great" Caboose cheered.

"Perhaps not, his encounter with agent Washington has caused some of his memories to come lose. Epsilon has not historically coped with these memories well"

"Wait- Washington?!" You asked.

"Yes.. my time is running out. It is likely that with these memories, epsilon will begin the cycle again. This must not happen... He is coming now. I must leave before he discovers me." Delta said, before fading out. He was quickly replaced by church. "Wha- Uh.. oh.. I must've passed out or something.. sorry about that guys.." he said.

"Church! You're back!" Caboose cheered.

"Yeah, I am. Hey Caboose, come here. I have to tell you something" he said as he began to float away. Caboose agreed happily and walked away with church leaving you with the reds.

"Well That was weird" grif said bluntly.

"Yeah.." you muttered, "hey what was that part about agent washing he said?" You asked, hoping at least one of them had some useful information.

"Oh Uh, he was there at Valhalla earlier" grif shrugged.

"What?? What was he doing there??" You asked.

"Beats me"

"What? You knew, you were the ones who came and rescued me!" Simons argued.

"Res-cued..?" You asked.

"Yeah, he shot donut and Lopez, and then used the meta to hold me and doc captured!" Simmons explained.


"I know I was confused too!"

"Quiet you two- I think the dastardly blue and that floating ball are up to something." Sarge interrupted. "Grif, tell us what they're saying!"

The soldier groaned and pulled out a rifle before watching the two.


"C'mon. I wanna get to the facility before night time"

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