Part 4

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You were currently working two jobs at Project Freelancer. Your skill sets were severely needed so you worked with engineering whenever you could as well as your normal schedule as a freelancer. You were fine with it since you got more money out of it. You were in a rush as you headed to the engineering department for a job you had taken.

(Agent Washington's POV)

I groaned in frustration as I looked down at my directions. I had finally gotten called up to the elite team but where in the world was their locker room?! I walked quickly through the halls before getting stopped by someone.

"Well look who it is~" it was Rhode Island who stopped me. I was confused and tilted my head, "Uhm-"
"Thanks for taking my spot on the leaderboard and ripping me from my team!" He interrupted as he pushed me into the wall. I dropped my stuff in the process and groaned in pain as he pinned me against the wall by my throat. "It's not my fault the director doesn't favor your skill sets" I spat as he glared a me. His eyes widened but then he let go of me with a smirk on his face. Two others, his friends, came and held me against the wall as I struggled. I didn't even notice them. Rhode smiled as he hit me in the stomach, "you think you're smart?" He said in a threatening voice as he was at my throats again. He pushed his arm against my windpipe slowly decreasing my oxygen intake. I couldn't talk, I couldn't move. Suddenly another Freelancer walks in, unnoticed by the others. But I saw him, we made eye contact from under our visors and he quickly looked away hoping not to get involved. My heart sank as I watched my only hope try to leave.

Rhode Island raised his fist and held it by my face as his goons laughed at my attempts to break free. His arm retracted and got ready to strike and I closed my eyes awaiting the hit.

Before I could process what was going on I was dropped and gasping for air. There was in fact a punch thrown, but not at me. I looked up wearily and saw Rhode towering over the Freelancer that had walked past us. The freelancer's head was turned as if he had been hit.

Did he distract him and take the hit for me..?

The soldier slowly turned back and faced Rhode revealing his cracked visor. "What? You want more?!" Rhode snapped at the soldier. He raised his fists and attacked the man again but was quickly thrown to the ground. Rhode's buddies immediately attacked and the soldier fought them both kicking the first across the rooms and dodging the second's attack before twisting his arm the wrong way and kicking him down.

The soldier sighed and turned to me before approaching. I flinched at first but realized that he was coming to help me and relaxed. As he got closer, I noticed something...

Rhode had gotten back up. He leaped at the Freelancer knocking him down. I sat immobilized with shock. He Freelancer stood and held his side as he looked at Rhode. Rhode Island had a bloody knife in his hand and he smiled at the sight of the soldier's pain. He ran at him again and out of instinct I stuck my foot out, tripping him and giving the soldier a chance to spare. The Freelancer used this moment to kick Rhode knocking him out.

The door to the hall flung open and the director rushed in yelling. I was quickly yanked to my feet by the Freelancer as we stood at attention, the others at our feet.

"What is going on here?!" The director yelled. "Sir, we were attacked and-" I tried to explain but was interrupted by the Freelancer's hand motioning me to stop. The director stood in front of him after looking at the ones on the floor, "(C/N) I will not stand for your incompetence! If your do something like this again I will personally send you off this ship the first chance I get, am I clear?!" He yelled in the soldier's face. The Freelancer nodded as the director dismissed us and a medical staff came in to check on the attackers. I looked in confusion to the Freelancer that saved me.

Is he really gonna take all the blame??

The soldier sighed and looked up to me before walking ahead and signaling me to follow.

He headed to a locker room where the leader board was right in the window.

The single digits locker room...

I was motioned to sit and took a seat on a bench as the Freelancer walked over to the med kit hanging on the wall. He sighed and pulled off his helmet before tucking it under his arm and reaching for the kit. That's when I realized...

HE- I mean... SHE'S A GIRL?!

It seemed so clear now that I thought of it. Her small frame. The way her armor was curved different to fit her body better. Her (H/C) hair hung above her shoulders as she sighed and turned to face me. My eyes widened as a saw her face. Damn...


You knelt down in front of him and set the med kit down on the bench opening it and grabbing a few things.

You looked up at him and sighed, "Your helmet..." he looked at you confused. "Take it off..?" You told him as you mentally rolled you eyes. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and fumbled to remove his helmet. His bright blue eyes staring into yours.

You looked away shyly as you grabbed a cloth from the kit and doused it with alcohol. "What is that?" He asked worriedly. "It's nothing bad, it'll sting a little but that's all" you spoke in a calming voice as you reached up to the cut on his head and dabbed it with the cloth to disinfect it. He winced in pain as first but quickly calmed down. You examined his neck to see he damage and told him it would be sore in the morning but he'd be fine. He sighed in relief but was interrupted by the locker room door opening.

North walked in and saw you dropping his helmet and rushing over, "God what happened to you two?!" He asked in a worried tone.

"Agent Washington over here got himself into a fight~" you say jokingly as you stood up and smiled to north.

"Looks like you're the one that fought" North stated, insisting you go to the infirmary.

You laughed "they've got their hands full already, and besides I'm fine." You stated as you headed over to your locker. North placed a hand on your locker holding it shut, "I don't think you can say that when you have a bleeding hole in your side" he said firmly. "Now go to the infirmary."

You groaned and stomped your feet playfully as you headed towards the door, "I hate you~" you grinned as you left. "Yeah you're welcome!" North called out as he looked down to Washington.

"So you're me newcomer, eh?" He held his hand out to wash. He shook it and nodded, still looked towards the door in amazement. North laughed, "I'm guessing she didn't introduce herself very well. That was (N/N)." He smirked as he saw washes expression. "Why'd she help me..?" He asked, still dumbfounded over the situation. "She kinda does that a lot, but she can get pretty careless when it comes to her own safety so don't depend on her ok?" He joked. "O-Ok" wash replied. Wow... she's just... wow...

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