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I am sorry that I haven't written in awhile, I have been dealing with some-...well, a lot of stuff...I don't really wanna talk about it. Anyways here you go, I am sorry, but hopefully this will make it up.

Ok so tell me if this makes any sense, I cook dinner, serve it, fold laundry, do dishes, clean the house, and stay out of my dad's way yet he says that I don't help and that everything is my fault...well, sorry. 

I'm sorry that I forgot to do a few dishes when I had done all the others and sorry I was too busy doing my homework to notice that the washer needed reset. I am also sorry to all the kids at school.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you. I am sorry I'm not good enough for you. I am sorry I don't fit in. I AM FUCKING SORRY THAT I AM ME!!!...sorry, I am crying now. It's just I am sick and tired of people saying that I am just "that slut" or "the little insecure bitch" or "a fucking screw up". You know what, FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!! I CAN'T HELP IT I'M NOT YOUR DEFINITION OF PERFECT!!!!!!...I'm sorry...

I am sorry for all my rants, I am sorry for all my tears, I am sorry for all my pain and hurt that I write in this diary. You are my only friend and one day I'm gonna be gone, and people are going to find you and read you to find out why I killed myself.

I promise you, I will hold on for as long as I can and maybe I will make it through this, (highly unlikely), maybe it will all get better (ya right). Hell, who am I kidding, there are only a few, fucked up, nearly impossible, ways things could get better

1. My dad dies. (haha)

2. All the kids at school die. (haha haha)

3. I die. (maybe...just maybe)

4. Everyone dies. (hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha haha)

5. Someone comes along and saves me from all of this...(yeah that's what I need, my own personal knight in shining armor...)

Who am I kidding, that's never going to happen. I have always been alone in this cruel, fucked up hell hole and I will die alone and hopefully go somewhere than a burning hell...but if I do go to Hell at least it will be better than this.

I have to go and do my homework, cook dinner, and do chores before dad gets home...thx for letting me ya back soon...hopefully. am I doing...ya I know it probably sucks but plz let me know if I am doing ok. I need a little feedback.

Well, love ya'll, I will try to write more.

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