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Ok so all day long I was really worried that Grey would try to talk to me and then everything would go to hell but I was wrong, he didn't try to do anything with me and so today was a pretty good day. 

I still have a fuck ton of homework, got bullied and abused but by my standards, it was a good day. Maybe I could sneak out of the house and meet Grey at the pond, I would have to text him once I was done with my homework. Thank God dad doesn't go through my phone anymore.

So at school, we have History together and he told us we could pick partners and I was so scared because Grey looked straight at me and I wasn't sure if he had remembered that he can't talk to me or socialize with me. Anyways he just looked at me and my heart dropped but then he just looked away and we worked by ourselves.

Throughout the school day, we stole glances at each other and every time our eyes connected my heart dropped, I was so scared that he was going to try to do something. The popular kids are still saying shit about how maybe he will have sex with me since he doesn't know me. I swear one of these days I am gonna get the courage to just tell them to fuck off and leave me alone................hahaha........ya right.

I will be back later on, I have to finish a Washington DC project for History, write a paragraph about a book for LA and then outline a chapter for Science. When I finish I will be back....if I don't die first. Love ya, thx for being there. 

Ok so I was just about to text Grey when he called me, I was confused because, like why would he call me? So I talked to him and it turns out he needs my help with something so I have to meet him at the pond and do whatever it is he expects me to help him with. He said it was really important and he sounded kinda......idk.......freaked out and scared..........I don't know.

I am really worried so I better get going, I don't know what is going on but it must be serious. I will tell you everything when I get back. Thx for being there for me diary, I will be back after I help Grey with whatever he needs.

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