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                            , as in........D.........E........A......D.

So now both Jailyn AND Grey know about my life and judging how much Jailyn knows I think she read all of my diary. I know she just wants to help but I don't know if she should. What if they get in huge trouble just for me.

Grey stuck my diary in my bookbag without me noticing but he got it from Jailyn who found it in the hallway and then gave it to Grey since she didn't know how to get it to me. So both Jailyn and Grey might get suspended just because they read my diary and know what goes on.

Fucking great, so now Janiqua is gonna get her ass kicked by Jailyn and Jay is gonna get his ass kicked by Grey. Then I am stuck at home helpless, barely able to move because of the last beating. 

Dad is still being really nice for some odd reason and mom has been in a better mood too. She actually came home on time today, she didn't work overtime. Dad hasn't gone out since he came back and he hasn't been drunk out of his mind.

Maybe things are starting to turn around for the better. Maybe my life isn't gonna be a living hell anymore. Maybe God is finally having mercy on me, maybe I will finally have a normal life..........ha, right, I may be broken but I am nowhere near normal, never have, never will be.

I just pray that things will get better for me, that Grey and Jailyn won't get suspended, and that my parents stay in good moods, in love like they were before. I have to go but I pray things get better and my life will improve. I will be back when I find out more about my parents, or Grey and Jailyn.

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