Why I Care

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Ok so Grey I have no idea when you are reading this but just promise me that this won't change anything between us. I don't want to lose the only true friend I've ever had. So here goes nothing........

The reason I wanted to know if you liked me is because I like you.......a lot. You are so nice to me and there is just something about you that is charming.

I know that probably sounds weird but I am kinda just going with it so whatever comes out is what I am going with for now.

So ya......I know this doesn't sound nice but it's what I got.........who am I kidding you probably won't even get this far, you've probably already burned your eyes out so here I go.

You are the only guy who has ever made me feel this way.....ya I have liked other guys but with you it is different......I don't just like you.....it's not just a crush.........I adore you.

You have such a caring nature that when you hide it, it still shows. You act like you don't care and that you just cool but deep down you are loving and a mess......a hot mess though......

You have been through hell all your life and your innocence is long gone but there is still love in you......you still have hope deep down for something better and even though you come off as dark and emotionless.....you are really loving and there is still a little light in your eyes.

Grey you are smart and caring and protective over the ones you love. Every guy I have ever met was selfish and mean and a total jack ass but you changed that for me. I gave up on love a long time ago but ever since you moved here I have been falling for you without realizing it.

When I was about to kill myself and you came to the pond I at first freaked out so that is why I tried to leave, it wasn't your problem to deal with. But when I told you and I broke down crying I looked into your eyes......I saw something that surprised me, even before you to me about your past I saw your pain, I saw that you were broken.

Pain has a funny way of showing itself and leaving it's mark on people. Most people mistake a twinkle in the eye for innocence but that light in the eye is from being hurt and broken but still hoping for something better.

I guess I fell for you for many reasons. I know you probably don't feel the same but ya this is how I feel about you.

I guess I was just hoping you liked me too but I know that not going to happen because who would like me when the other girls at school are so much better than me.

Well ya now you know why I cared whether you like me or not.......if you don't feel the same don't feel bad.....if would be ok and I hope this doesn't change anything between us.


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