
16 1 3

Just got back, have to write down what happened before I forget.

I got to the pond and Grey was pacing back and forth. Whatever was wrong it had to be serious for him to be that shaken up. He was muttering to himself and when I walked up, he was so out of it that he didn't notice I was standing there.

"Hey, Grey, what's up?"

"Oh, hey Autumn, umm I really need you to listen to what I am about to say because I won't be able to repeat it."

"Mk, shoot."

"Ok, mom found this one guy who is an ex-service man and they have been dating for awhile but today they finally told Julia and I that they are engaged............ Autumn.......I can't deal with another stepfather........not after Julia's dad......."

" is he, is he nice? Is he an ass hole?-"

"Autumn he was an ex-service man, he is nice to my mom but is an ass to me because I'm not "strong enough" and that military school would "straighten me out", he doesn't know what he is talking about."


"I am not going but if him and I get into a lot of fights or I get out of line then I might have to."

"Oh.....", if he leaves then I have no one..........again.

 He grabbed my hands and looked at me, "Hey don't worry, I am going to try my damn hardest to stay out of trouble."

"Ok........and if you can't stay out of trouble???"

".....If that happens then I might run away," he would leave anyways....

"Oh ok." 

I put my head down to cry but he lifted my chin and made me look at him. For some reason whenever he made physical contact with me I felt really weird and couldn't breathe. Could I be falling for him?? No, nonsense, I'm just not used to that happening to me.

Once I was looking at him again, he wiped a tear I hadn't noticed and spoke.

"Hey, that's if I can't stay out of trouble and trust me, it's better if I were to leave alone."

"It's just that I was alone up until now and knowing that I might lose that..." I looked down again.

"Hey, hey, don't think about it ok, just be happy I am here right now ok."


"Autumn please say something."

I wasn't sure what to say, what could I say. There was a chance I was going to lose the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Autumn please, please just say something...anything."

".......promise me."


I looked up at him with hope-filled eyes, "Promise me something."

"What am I promising?"

"Promise me that if you leave, if you run away, you will tell me first and keep in touch."


"No! Promise me. I can't lose this, I can't lose the only good thing in my living hell I call a life, Grey you are the best thing that ever happened to me........I can't lose that," I was crying now.

".........I promise, now come here," he wrapped his arms around me in a long hug.


"No problem......"

"Something else you wanted to say?"



"Fine, Autumn did you really mean that, what you said earlier about losing the best thing that ever happened to you?"


"Ok, just wondering."

"How come?"

"Maybe I am curious ok."


"You should get home before your father blows up.......I will see you tomorrow."

"Ok, see ya."

I swear he makes me feel like someone understands, like no matter what I can trust him and he won't let me down. I think I might have a little crush, or I just like him as a close friend..........we'll see what happens. 

Well, I have to go, I will be back soon, love ya diary, thx for everything.

Soooo......anything, I'm dying here,


Love ya'll, sorry for not writing as much, I have been busy with some stuff but I got inspired so I thought I would write. Love ya, bye

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