Dad (Part 1)

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Ok so right now I am freaking out, I came home to dad passed out in his chair.

I had to walk slowly to my room so that I didn't wake him up. I am literally sitting on my bed waiting for mom to text me back, and freaking out. I am so scared that he will wake up and know that I am home.

Who knows what he will do if he wakes up, I could get the dad from my childhood or the dad from my nightmares. He could either say he is sorry or he could abuse me. I am not sure what to think right now. I want to think he has finally realized that what has been going on the past few years is wrong but I don't want to get my hopes up either.

Ok, so mom just texted back.

Go to the pond NOW.

Then what?

Stay there, is there anyone, any friend who could be with you just in case your father wakes up??

Not really.......WAIT! There is Grey! I am leaving now, be safe ok.

You too sweetie...........wait who is Grey????

I will explain later........he is a friend, it's not like that, don't worry.

Just be safe ok honey.

Ok, you too mom.

 Mom really has her spunk back, I haven't heard her call me sweetie or honey in so long. Dad left and she stepped up, but now that he is back what will happen. I am so scared I can barely write, what if mom takes him back? What if he beats her again? What if he is changed? Well, I have to go to the pond, I will be back later on to write down what happened, God help us all.

Ok, so I would GREATLY appreciate it if I could get some feedback. You may not want to comment on this but if you can plz do.


Love ya'll, BYE <3

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