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So today was a little different...........well a lot different..................extremely different.........

First thing was dad was up before me and made breakfast........he fucking made breakfast. He hasn't done that in years and so this morning we ate breakfast together and he didn't yell at me. I really think he has changed, he hasn't said sorry for the things he has done but he hasn't done the same things since mom kicked him out and he came back.

Second I didn't get called names, shoved, or the shit beat out of me today. In fact, I didn't see Jainiqua or Jay today, and none of the other kids messed with me. I guess Grey and Jailyn really did kick their asses and didn't get suspended.

The reason I know they didn't get suspended is because at lunch they sat at the table with me and no one said anything. So ya that is number three, and I think I counted five differences in total. So ya I think school is no longer going to be a living hell.

So ya, things are getting better.........for now....I know something is going to happen and I am either going to wake up from a coma and things will be hell again or something is going to happen and everything will go back to the way it was before...........or I am going to wake up and al of this is gonna be a bad dream where dad was never abusive and school was never hell.

Jailyn has officially joined our group, our being me and Grey. I never knew it but Jailyn and I are a lot alike, both of us have been bullied and abused. We both are willing to fight for our friends but are also insecure and shy when we are left by ourselves.

So now we are a group of three, we are gonna sit at lunch together, and I think we are meeting at the pond later on today. I have to finish my homework and I think dad might have me do a little laundry but I don't really know anymore. I will be back later on and tell you what else is going on, thx for being there and I haven't said this and meant it for a while.........Thank you, God, for this day. I have to go, be back later.

Dear Diary,Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz