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I couldn't just read this and not say something before giving it back. First off why the fuck didn't you tell me that every fucking day you get the shit beat out of you. What the fuck, I would have helped but you never told me and now I have to do something.

So ya, be surprised if I get suspended for a while. You should know why since Jailyn told you how I used to be and how she used to be. You should feel honored, she has never told anyone that she learned how to fight and that she hides her capability.

I think you used to be the same way, I can see hints of muscle in your arms, you used to be strong and I still hear a bit of a kick ass tone in your voice. I wouldn't be surprised if people were scared of you but then your dad ruined your confidence so you became weak and they attacked/are attacking you while you are down.

Oh, and the part Jailyn wrote about me maybe liking you, just ignore that ok. I highly doubt you would like someone like me also. I am sort of an outcast and a bad ass. I highly doubt you would like someone who keeps away from people and stays in the shadows.

Ok so I didn't read all of your diary and neither did Jailyn. I only read the newest one you wrote and the first entry, plus Jailyn told me some stuff. I am not sure how much Jailyn read, but she knows a lot now, you can trust her, me and her are close and we all could be one group, once I take care of the football team and Jailyn takes care of Janiqua.

We may or may not get suspended.......I am not sure how strict the school's fighting policy is. If we don't get suspended I say we sit at lunch together, if we do get suspended..........see you at the pond and I will text you. 

See ya, me and Jailyn are gonna go kick some ass for you. Maybe we can be seen together now.

                                                                                                   ~Grey Hunter

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