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Ok, I just got back from the pond and Grey and I have an official crush deal.

So I get there and Grey is leaning against the tree all casual. I walk up slowly with a slight limp because of the past week or so of getting my ass kicked, and of course, I trip. Grey ran towards me and helped me over to the tree to sit down.

"What's wrong!?? What happened!?? Are you hurt!??"

"I am fine, I just tripped."

"You were walking awfully slow, are you sure you are alright???"

"Ya, I am fine, just sore."

He gave me a confused look, "Sore!? From what!?"

Shit, "I.....I don't know.....I have just been sore these past few days."

"Alright....Just be careful ok, you scared the shit out of me."

"Aww, you're scared of me getting hurt. That's so cute."

He started to blush, "Wh-....No....shut up."

"I was just teasing."

"I know."

"............I have a question."


"Who is....."she".......The girl you keep talking about."

"Oh.........", he looked down and bit his lip.

"Who is she!?"

"No one."

"No, tell me."


I was so annoyed but he just smirked his sexy smirk and refused. I eventually got him to tell me something, he wouldn't tell me initials, whether they were in any of our classes or if they were even in our lunch.

"Alright fine!! I will tell you this, you know her...."

"Well that's a great help, I know everyone in our grade."

"Ok, I'll tell you what, it's January right? I will give you until Valentine's Day to find out who she is and when you do, tell me. I will tell you if you are right or not."

"Wh- ugh! I can't guess if I don't have hints!!"

"That's the thing, every day until then I will give you one hint in the morning and you can guess however many times you want."

"Alright deal."



"Who do you like??"


"Alright smart ass, spill it, tell me."


" are a pain in my ass."

"But you love me.", I just stuck my tongue out and smiled.

"Or do I??"

"Right, anyways, I will let you guess as much as you want and you must find out by February 14."

"Will you give me hints every day?"


"Alright what is my first hint?"

"Ummm........You know him."


We talked about random stuff for another hour and then I went home to find that dad was gone and mom was at work. I was home alone, it was nice to be able to check my bruises without having to worry about someone walking in or complaining that I was taking too long in the bathroom.

I better go so I can actually check myself for my injuries. Thx for being there, be back sometime later.

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