I Don't Know

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Ok so heads up this might be my last entry, it is Saturday and I am literally on the edge of just killing myself. Dad has pushed me a little too far now, mom has already given up on trying to fight, he now hits her and I don't know what to do.

At school, no one cares, at home, no one cares, and right now I don't care if I die. I can't fucking take it anymore. I am done with everything, ever since Grey and Jailyn came along things have been worst.

Why don't they understand that if they keep talking to me and keep trying to hang out with me things are going to go to hell for them. I don't want them to end up like me, beaten and broken, they deserve better.

Tonight I am going to the pond, I will kill myself there......unless I stop myself and something changes my mind. I swear I am just done, I don't think anything could change my mind anymore, I am done with everything.

I am not taking this with me so ya, I am just going to say this.........if this is my last entry.......tell my dad I love him, he may not feel the same but tell him. Tell my mother I have always loved her, as a matter of fact, tell all of my family I loved them.

Tell everyone that it just got too much and I gave up. Tell them all about the bullying, abuse, stress, and anxiety. As for the bullies tell them that they got what they wanted, I am gone and I am not coming back.

And as for Jailyn and Grey, tell them that I would have loved to be friends with them but I didn't want them bullied like me so I pushed them away. I cared about them so I rejected them........I wanted them to have a good life so I pushed them away.

I might not be back so this is goodbye...........if I make it back.......keyword IF........I will write another entry and what all happened..........I love you all..........goodbye.......


PLZ comment, I need feedback


Love ya'll, I will write soon

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