The Argument

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Ok so I am currently at the pond and I am passing this to Jailyn so she can write down how her fight.....well more like argument went.

     Ok, so I told Janiqua to meet me after school because I wanted to talk to her about something. So we met after school in the locker room and when she walked in I just walked towards her.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Jailyn?"

"I wanted to see if something I read was true, so do you know Autumn?"

"Oh, that little whore...."

"Excuse you?"

"Oh, did you not know, she has practically tried to sleep with all the guys in this school."



"Do you have any idea what she goes through every day!? Do you know what it feels like to be abused and bullied all the time!? Do you know her at all!??"

She sighed and shook her head, "We were best friends, I was the only person who knew about her dad. I know somewhat what she goes through every day, I am either the one causing her pain, or..............never mind."

"No, spit it out."

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does Janiqua, it does matter. Why are you so mean to her!? Why don't you just leave her alone!!???"

"Because she left me alone!!!"


"Ugh, when she was getting abused she pushed me away, she stopped talking to me and made my life a living hell, and to get payback I make her life a living hell!!!"

"You could just talk to her, she probably pushed you away because she was getting abused and didn't want to talk about it."

"I WAS BEING ABUSED AND I WANTED TO TELL HER BUT SHE PUSHED ME AWAY BEFORE I COULD TELL HER!!!!!..............I was being abused just like she was and I was going to tell her because I knew she would understand but she left me in the dust before I could tell her......"

I had no idea what to say, she started to cry and her makeup was running down her face so I walked to her to hug her but she pushed me away.

"NO!! Don't touch me!....", She looked up at me and said something I never thought I would hear her say.......EVER.

"Promise me you won't say anything about this to anyone, not even Jay knows.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone but you have to leave Autumn alone and tell everyone else to leave her be."

".....Deal, just.........don't tell anyone about what I would ruin me."

"It's ok, no one will know, but is it ok if Autumn and Grey know?..........they understand the whole abuse do I."

"....Sure.", she was about to leave but I had the urge to call out to her and tell her something first.



"I am here for you ok.......we all know....if you ever want to talk."

"Alright, I might take you up on that, see ya."

"See ya."

The reason she wasn't at school the next day is because her dad actually hit her and she didn't want to risk people knowing about it. She apparently misses school whenever her dad hits her the day before.

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