Live.....Laugh.....and Love

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I know that is not the best entry title but it has meaning behind it ok.

So Jay now has a broken jaw and is suspended for harassing me. The school checked the cameras and found out from the hallway gossip that Grey beat the shit out of Jay. Both of them were called to the office and the principal talked to them both and threatened to suspend them for fighting.

Grey simply told Mr. Gull that he was just standing up for me. He said that for years I was being bullied but never said anything because I was so scared because my home life isn't the best. Mr. Gull asked him why he cared, and Grey said that I was special to him, that he wasn't going to stand by and watch someone he cared about get the life beat out of them.

When Grey finally told me at lunch what happened I was shocked......he actually cared about me. I couldn't believe it that he cared about me....Anyways I didn't read the piece of paper that Grey wrote about the fight, I just asked him to sum it up and he did.

Ok so at lunch Jailyn had this great idea for ya now we have nicknames.

"Hey since we are a group now, maybe we could have matching nicknames....."

"That sounded more like a question than a statement sis."

"I know, but could we? Please, big bro."

"Autumn, what do you think?"

"Uh..........sure...I guess."

"YYYAAAYYYY!!!! Ok, so any ideas for the nicknames? We could do the Three Amigos."

"Or the Three Stooges."

The siblings went back and forth with different ideas when I finally said one that I had thought about for a bit.

"What about Live, Laugh, and Love?"



"We could be Live, Laugh and Love. I have thought about it and it fits us perfect-."


"Grey it's actually quite simple if you would let me finish."

"Ya let her finish big bro."

"Thank you Jailyn. As I was saying, it fits us perfect, I have lived through all of the pain of bullying and abuse for years so I can be Live. Jailyn you are always happy and laughing even though you were severely bullied so you can be Laugh. Grey, you grew up in an abusive home and were bullied because you didn't have a father and yet you still care and you love those who are broken so you can be Love."

" perfect for us........good job Autumn."

"Thanks Grey.....that means a lot coming from you....."

"How come?"

"I knew Jailyn would go with it most likely but I didn't know what you would think of it."

"Makes sense, but I love it ok......We are Live, Laugh, and Love.

"Jailyn, what do you think?"

"......I.....I love it Autumn. It really is perfect for us."


So ya, we are now Live, Laugh and Love. Jailyn thinks that we should find symbols that represent us and we would draw them on our wrist or hand. She still has to talk to Grey about it but I like the idea.

I have to go because we are switching to our next period but I will be back sometime soon.

Sorry that I didn't publish this sooner, I was in Washington DC for school and we couldn't have any electronics other than a MP3 Player or a first generation Ipod. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and I will try to write soon.


Love ya'll <3

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