The Fight

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     I found Jay in the locker room the day after I found out about how Autumn was being treated and so I walked up to him right away.

"Hey, I have a question."


"Ok so you know Autumn right, short girl keeps to herself, is always wearing hoodies and skinny jeans."

"Oh, ya Autumn.......she is really something."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She is quite the slut......I bet you she has had sex 20 times in the past month."

"What makes you think that?"

"She cuts for attention, she keeps to herself, even her so called friends avoid her now, and she never sticks around school, she is always alone at school so she cuts and has sex for attention and so she doesn't feel so alone."

"Ok, first off no one, NO ONE, cuts for attention got me!! Second, she keeps to herself because she is forced to because everyone started calling her things like a slut, a bitch, and a fucking whore. You guys bully her every day and she has enough problems at home, you guys beat her to the point where she would rather die than come to school and go through with it but she keeps going. She keeps going but she cuts so that she can feel something, she is mostly numb from everything so she cuts. You have no right to do shit to her got me, I don't care who you are and I don't care what you think about her, if you have a problem with her you will have to go through me."

"Watch it, Grey, you wouldn't want to start a fight now would you."

"I would rather fight you than see this shit happen to someone I care about."

"Oh so you actually care about her, that's real cute but you don't have a chance with her, we make her life a living hell because of who she is and if you want in on all of that, that's your problem but just know that you will be bullied and she will get it 10 times worst."

"Leave her alone, got me. If you want to fight go for it, but I will be the one walking away and you will end up on the floor, bloody and bruised. I have been in many fights before and I am not afraid to get suspended for kicking your ass."

"Try me, I am the head quarterback for the football team, I could take you down with one hit. Fucking try me, Grey, you will regret it."

"Then go for it, try to hit me, give it all you got, I'm not scared of you."

I don't remember much from the fight actually, all I remember is I was flying around the room, he was trying to hit me and I was just dodging everything and when I had a chance I would hit him in the gut and when I had a clear shot I may have roundhouse kicked him in the jaw.

Almost all of it was a big blur, I was so in the moment that nothing mattered. All I know is I broke his jaw and he took more than a few blows to the gut and I got a hit to the gut but that was it. Once he was down I grabbed his shirt and lifted his head up to say one last thing before he was out.

"Don't you ever, EVER, mess with me or my friends ever again got me. I am not afraid to get suspended from another school. I have done it once I will do it again, DON'T make me have to do this again. Tell your friends to leave Autumn alone and to never touch her again, ok."

I have never, in my entire life fought that hard for someone. But Autumn is special to me.........I am willing to fight for her, I would do anything to keep her happy and safe............Ok I might have a little crush..........maybe............I'm not sure anymore, she probably doesn't even like me all that much.

Technically this is just on a scrap piece of paper that Autumn is putting into her diary so I am not really all that worried about her knowing how I feel. We have a kind of......close friend relationship right now.........I am fine with where we are at but I do like her a little more than a friend...........oh well, I will just have to see how things work out.

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