Dance Crushes

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So the title will make sense in a bit......basically it is all summed up in a conversation Jailyn and I had at the pond after I finished my letter.

"Hey Laugh."

"Hey Live."

"You alright? You seem kinda sad......and that's not the Jailyn I know."

"Ya, I'll be ok, just guy problems."

"Tell me about it."

"You too?"


I told Jailyn to come up in the tree so we could sit and talk so she came up and sat in front of me on the thick branch I always sit/lay on. She looked hurt and sad so I just hugged her and she just started to ball until I finally asked what was wrong.

"It's just..........Well I never though that this would ever be possible but....."

"What is it?"

"... Promise you won't say anything."

"Of course."

"Not even to Grey."

"Fine but he will need to know at some point."

"I know."

"So what is it?"

"Ok, so don't judge me but......I think I might be bi....."

"Oh?...... Really.........I won't judge but that's a shock."

"Well I have already started so I might as well spill the beans."

"What's up?"

"Well it isn't a shock to me........this has happened before."


"Before Grey and I moved here there was this girl. She was so beautiful and we were best friends but when I finally told her she pushed me away and that's when the bullying started."

"Oh my gosh, Jailyn. Are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine its there is this other girl who is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen but I doubt she is interested in me or that she is even bi or lesbian"

"Well who is it, I bet I could tell you?"

"Her name is Keke Patolmic."

"Well you are in luck, she is about the most known bisexual in the whole school."

"Oh, is she dating anyone?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe you should just talk to her, she is open about somethings but not others."

" mind that was stupid"

"No what?"

"Who-,well first are you even going to the Valentine's dance?"

"Idk, it depends on if I get asked, which I know won't happen."

"Well who would you want to ask you."

"Promise not to judge."

"I just told you I was bi and your worried about me judging you!?"

"Haha ya sorry. To be honest I kinda want Grey to ask me."

"I surprise there."

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

I punched her in the arm so hard she almost fell out of the tree but then we just burst into laughter and both fell onto the ground. We laid there laughing for a bit until I finally spoke.

"Hey, so if Keke is single will you ask her to the dance?"

"Idk, would you ask Grey if I did?"

"Maybe, find out if she is single first alright."

"Mk and you don't have to worry, Grey is single."

"Ya I know.......I'm just worried about the other girls, who knows who he will ask."

"Or if he will even go to the dance?"


"We are siblings remember, I know some of his plans."

"Anything worth telling me?"

"He is going to ask one girl to the dance unless she asks first. He goes on and on about how pretty her eyes look and how she looks small but is a real fighter on the inside. He talks to mom about her all the time and even wrote her a love letter one night, but it could have been emotional homework."

"So either he wrote a letter to me without you knowing and he wrote another for someone else and talks about them or the letter was to me and it is only me."

"Wait so he wrote you a letter?"

"Ya we had a deal, he wrote a letter about how he feels about me and I wrote a letter about why I wanted to know so bad."

"Live, either he loves you or he turned you down and loves someone else."

"Ya, that's the thing, idk."

"Hey we will talk about this tomorrow ok, I should be getting home for dinner."

"Alright, see ya Laugh."

"See ya Live."

Guys I am so so sorry for not writing in forever. School ended and I lost my computer that I was writing this on. I am writing this on my phone so if I don't update often don't  be surprised.


Love you guys <3

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