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Today was a bad day, not as bad as Monday but still pretty bad, oh and today is Thursday by the way. So what was good is that I didn't get the living shit beat out of me today. :D........but I did get pushed down. I didn't get called daddy's girl, but I was called a bitch, cunt, slut, and whore. I didn't cry in any of my classes but I did have an anxiety attack in Science.

So by my standards, it was a good day...until lunch. You remember me mentioning Grey and Jailyn, ya well at lunch they decided to sit with me...that is a big no-no and this is basically what went down when they walked up.

"Hey.....Autumn isn't it?"

Why are you talking to me, "........"

"Is it ok if we sit here?"

Why are you guys still here, and no you can't Jailyn, "........."

"Ok since you aren't rejecting us we will sit. So how come you always sit alone and don't talk to anyone?"

You guys need to leave before you end up like me.

"Please talk to us, we can be your new friends....if you want. my name is Jailyn."

"I just don't talk much and you shouldn't be sitting here, you'll get a bad reputation if you are seen socializing with me."

"What do you mean? You seem like one of the best people at this school. Who would we have to watch out for? Is that why you are always alone?"

Then Grey finally spoke, "ENOUGH!!! Leave the poor girl alone Jailyn!" 

Then he turned to me, "If you want to be left alone we can leave, just know that.......if you ever.....you know.....wanna talk......we are here for you."

I couldn't believe it, Grey actually talked to me. In my opinion, he is about the coolest guy on this hell hole called Earth. He always has on dark hoodies, ripped pants, and headphones around his neck.

My one question was why. Why did he want to sit with me? Why did he talk to me? Why did it seem like he wants to know me?..........Why does he care?

That is my question, just overall why? Well, I better go before dad comes home, I still have to cook supper, do dishes, and finish my project. Love ya, thx for always being there.

Soooo how is it so far, I have no feedback so far. PLZ GIVE ME SOMETHING!!!!! 


I should write another part soon, love ya'll, bye.

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