What Went On Part 2

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I stood there just crying and I collapsed, he sat down next to me with his arm around my shoulders and spoke.

"When I was only 2 my real dad left and I didn't see him ever again........until 4 years ago. After my real dad left she met another guy, Jailyn's dad but he was physically abusive to my mom, she put up with it until she found out that he would hit me too. She left him on the spot after that but learned that Jailyn and I were the only loves of her life."


"Ya and at school, I got bullied for not having a real dad around, I was called things like a faggot, bastard, gay, and one they liked to use most was mamma's boy. One day it got too much and I ran away, I had a plan to kill myself and no one would know until afterward. I am guessing your plan was similar since you said you ran away and were going to kill yourself but when you saw me you wanted to leave."

"........sorry, it's just it is hard for me to trust a lot of guys because of my dad and the guys at school.......they beat the shit out of me when you first moved here."

"Now I feel like it's all my fault, I-"

"Don't.......its ok, they have always called me stuff like a bitch, whore, slut, cunt, and my ex-best friend's favorite, daddy's little girl. Janiqua was the only one who knew about my dad but once the rumor got around that I liked Kamron, everyone started calling me names and to this day it hasn't stopped. Everyone avoided me and my friends stabbed me in the back. To everyone, even my dad I am just a fuck up or a bitch."

"Does your dad hit you?


Your dad........does he hit you?"

"No, he is only emotionally abusive to me but.........just today he had slapped my mom. She normally works late nights but she hadn't left yet and found out that he had got drunk the night before, which always happens, and slept with another slut he found at the bar."

"Wow.........how come your mom doesn't just leave?"

"I am not  sure, dad has been like this for the past 2 years and every Friday he gets drunk as fuck and either comes home pissed as hell and then crashes, or comes home with some slut and bangs her all night."

"And you have to listen to that?"

"Ya, it's pretty disgusting, especially when you know the girl is a slut at heart and you get called that when you haven't even ever dated a guy before, let alone lost your virginity."

"Ya....wait you have never dated someone?"

"Nope, before dad was a jackass, he was really loving and overprotective, he didn't let me date anyone and he would probably kill me if I dated anyone now."

"Hm, interesting."

"Ya so now you know why my life is a living hell and I refer to my house and the school as a hell hole."

"Ya, makes sense.....hey what all you got in that bag of your's?"

"Bandages, 4 water bottles, some snacks, a blanket, flashlight........my pocket knife....rope...........sleeping pills."

"I am going to ignore the bandages, rope, knife, and pills, but you have food, water, a blanket, and flashlight?"

"Ya, I brought it just in case I was here a while and I wasn't sure if I could go through with.....you know..."

"Ya, well any chance I could have some food, I didn't eat dinner before I left which was about the time the sun sets and it is almost night now....."

"Ya no problem, I am going to be out late anyways, might as well eat it, I brought some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, potato chips, and some chocolate chip cookies."

"Sounds good, also the grass is getting kinda wet so I can set the blanket out if you will get the food and water out."

"Uh......sure.", I wasn't sure what to think of all this.

"I know it's kinda weird, it sounds like a date but for now we are just talking ok."

"Ok got it, here is the blanket."

After that we just laid on the blanket, looking up at the stars, talking about our lives. At one point or another it got super cold and so we got closer together so we could cover up with the blanket instead of just laying on it but still, we talked on and on about ourselves.

It was about midnight when I leaned my head against his chest because I was getting tired, he didn't seem to mind so I just laid there with his arm around me. We must have fallen asleep because I woke up and I was in his arms on the blanket.


"Hmm, what.........what is it?"

"We fell asleep, we should probably get back to our houses."

"Ya, maybe we could hang out again sometime?"

"Not at school, I would rather you not get the snot beat out of you or you being bullied again like I am."

"Ok so not at school but maybe we could meet here sometimes?"

"Sure, sounds like a deal."

"Mk, well so that we know when to meet maybe we could exchange numbers."

"Sure ok...............ok.......got it, here is your phone back, and......plz don't tell anyone about anything that happened."

Grey smirked, "What happened?"

I blushed and bit my lip, "I mean that I cut and tried to kill myself......but also don't tell anyone that I was crying on you or that we hung out or that we fell asleep on a blanket while talking under a sky full of stars."

"Got it Autumn....and I wouldn't do that to you.......just don't tell anyone what I told you.....it is hard for me to trust people so don't make me regret trusting you."

"I won't, I promise."

"Good, we should get going, it's late."

"Ok, well I will see ya when I see ya, talk to you tomorrow if I can."

"Ok...talk to you tomorrow."

Grey started to walk away when something took over me. I ran in front of him and kissed him on the cheek.

".........I wanted to say thank you for listening to me........and understanding me.......no one else gets me like you....."

"Ok well, you didn't have to kiss my cheek but ok, thanks."

"Your welcome and you better go, unlike me you are probably missed at home."

"Ya, well I hope you don't try anything like you tried today again. I have to go, see ya, bye."

"I won't, not now that I have found someone who understands me, see ya, bye."

I don't know what was wrong with me, I was happy and scared at the same time, was it possible that I was falling for him...........no. That was never going to happen, we are just friends. We are and never will be more than that.



I need feedback.......I wanna know how I am doing so for.....PLZ.......SOMETHING, love ya'll, bye <3

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