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So ya I am not even sure what to say right now...........a lot happened today.

I get up, get yelled at for not having time to start the laundry before I went to bed, get on the bus, and listen to my music and Grey texts me like he has been doing for the past few weeks. Then I get off the bus, go to choir, have an anxiety attack, go to the bathroom and then things go to hell.

I walk in and of course, Janiqua and her group are all in there, doing their make-up in front of the various mirrors. Then Janiqua turns towards me and speaks.

"Excuse me we are in here right now, no sluts until we are out of the room, thank you."

"I came in here to calm down, not to fight you guys, I am not in the mood."

"Oh, I see well, I don't care so how about you just kill yourself and get it over with so we don't have to deal with you coming in here again."

"Whatever." I began to walk out when she spoke.

"Oh, does the little bitch wanna get the shit beat out of her again, the boys are just outside the door, I can get them if you want."

"No thanks, I would rather you not."

"Oh, has the little whore had enough? Has daddy started beating on you-"

"Janiqua I have told you before you little cunt, don't you ever EVER talk about my father."

Her smile faded and she stepped up to me, "What's that?.......Daddy's little girl don't wanna talk about her father."

"Shut. The fuck. Up. Before I punch you. Straight in your pretty little face."

"You bitch!!! Don't you EVER talk to me like that!!! BOYS!!!!"

Shit. The boys came in and the girls left. One just grabbed me and pushed me onto the ground, then they all kicked and there were a few times where their leader, Jay.  Would grab my shirt, pull me up, say something along the lines of, "Don't you ever talk to my girlfriend like that again." and punch me.

I could barely move after that and so it was about mid-second period when I finally got up, washed the blood off of my face, grabbed my foundation out of my locker to cover the bruises and went to the office to get a slip for Mr. Springer.

I walked into US History, set my books on my desk, gave the slip to the teacher and slid into my desk. It hurt to sit there and write notes but I had to deal with it. It was my fault for blowing up on Janiqua, I should have just kept my mouth shut.

So here I sit, on my bed, with my diary, some candy, and an icepack, aching all over and waiting for my dad to leave so I can go to the pond to meet Grey. Actually, I am not going, he can't know that I got the living shit beat out of me, who knows what he would think/do.

He just left, I have to go do chores and homework, thx for being there, I shall be back.........if I survive my injuries.

Dear Diary,Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang