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Ladybug sat on the Eiffel Tower. Saturday. The Day for patrol. Usually, she would do patrol with Cat Noir but he was nowhere to be found. Lately she had been ignoring Cat Noir on accident since she was so focused on beating the akumas.

Yes, she admits, that she had not been giving Cat the right amount of attention an average cat would need. "If he would just come on..." She spoke to nobody if particular. She glanced around once more. No sign of him. She sighed and pulled out her yo-yo. Ladybug pushed out and pressed the green-paw-print button.

The phone answered but nobody said anything.
"Babe" She said. Nothing. "Cat Noir". Nothing. She groaned and looked at his location. The Eiffel Tower. "What the..." Ladybug whispered. She looked around and didn't see anything. She looked up and, sure enough a black figure stood at the top.

She swung up there and saw Cat Noir. "There you are. I called and you didn't say anything. I've been waiting for you for hours" She smiled when she saw him. He, however, frowned and looked away.

"Hey kitty, what's wrong" She approached him. He stayed silent and didn't look her way. "Please talk to me" She sighed. Instead, Cat Noir took out his baton and traced invisible lines on it. Ladybug snatched it and threw it off the Eiffel Tower. Cat watched in shocked as his beloved baton dropped to the ground and broke into a thousand little pieces. The pieces glowed green before disappearing.

"Why did you do that" He groaned looking at her for the first time that night. "Because you are ignoring me. I don't do that to you" She sputtered angrily. Her pigtails swung back and forth across her face. He lips pointed into a pout with her hands places firmly on her hip.

"Yes you did. You've been ignoring me for the past 2 MONTHS, MARINETTE" Cat yelled angrily, "At first I thought it was me. I said less puns, I fought more, fought harder. Yet you still ignored me. I bought you flowers, chocolates, and strawberries. Of course, you said thank you but I wanted you to smile and giggle and give me hugs. I wanted you, Marinette." Cat said whispering the last part.

He looked up and saw tears running fast and effortlessly down her face, dropping onto her suit and rolling onto the ground. He pulled her down into his lap where he was sitting.

"I'm sorry" She whispered into his neck "I was so stressed. We had to fight akumas, find Hawk Moth, pass mid-terms, keep my identity secret from the rest of the world, and then my grandmother passed. I was trying to keep everything in order and I forgot about my number one priority. More than school, more than akumas, more that Hawk Moth. You. Cat Noir. Adrien" Ladybug whispered crying into his neck. She breathed out shakily as they both detransformed. "Don't cry" Adrien smiled turning Marinette to face him.

"I should have asked you instead of chidishly ignoring you" He laughed. Marinette smiled as he wiped away her tears. She kissed his cheek and giggled. "I missed your giggle" He smiled. She pushed him away and laughed "Your so cheesy".

"That he his" Plagg laughed. They looked up and saw him floating bedside a smiling Tikki.

"Hey Plagg"


"I'm gonna need a new baton...."

Only reason this is called ignore because I realized I was ignoring this story. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing😂😂
I had to write a story that goes with Ignoring something😂


 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 🔞Where stories live. Discover now