Special Chapter Pt. 1

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Marinette slipped a piece of popcorn into her own mouth after dropping a few into Adrien's mouth. They sat watching The Fault In Our Stars for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Ok Hazel Grace?" Adrien recited looking intently at the screen.
"Ok" Marinette recited back.

They looked at each other smiling fondly and leaning closer towards each other. Marienette's blue eyes sparkled and fluttered shut as their lips where mere centimeters away. Then Adrien's phone rang with the tune of instrumental Car Radio by Twenty Øne Piløts. He groaned loudly muttering something along the lines of 'Can I kiss m'lady, dang'.

"What" He growled into the phone. "Ew Attitude. But come down to the top of the Eiffel Tower, Chat Noir and Ladybug" The girly voice rung though the phone before hanging up, not letting the confused Adrien get a word out.

"Who was it" Marinette asked raising her eyebrows, waiting patiently for his answer.

"I don't know" Adrien replied looking up from his phone, "But they need us"

"Need us as in, Marinette and Adrien, or LadyNoir" Marinette asked putting their popcorn bowl in the sink.
"....What is....LadyNoir" Adrien asked her. Scrunching up his nose, mentally killing Marinette. "You know, the Ship name for Chat Noir and Ladybug" Marinette shrugged as is if it was the most casual conversation they ever had. And they hardly have those since Adrien's very dirty minded.

"Ok Whatever, You need to quit on the fanfictions. And yes they need Chat Noir and Ladybug" He rolled his eyes, highly annoyed with her fan fiction readings lately.

"Ok, I'm ready" Mari called to him.




They ran and jumped across building until, reaching the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Hello" Ladybug called out peeking her head around the corner for any other life form besides them selves and the occasional pigeon. "Any random caller/ mood killer up here" Chat Noir called up in a rather annoyed voice. Ladybug elbowed him receiving a yelp, before a flash of yellow ran past her face.

"What the-"

"Hi Guys" said a girl in a lion spandex furry outfit. Next to her was another girl with a big music note on her chest in a purple leather. Behind her was a boy whose leather blue suit was covered in different time numbers with a girl clutching onto him.

"Who-Who are you" Chat Noir asked looking at the four skeptically. "Well I'm Rissa Singh (LSMusicLover)" The music girl pointed to herself.

"I'm Lion (imstevonnie)" The lion spandex girl said. "Lion?" Chat Noir asked. "No, Lion" Lion corrected. "So...Lion?" Ladybug asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "NO, LION AS IN LEE-ON. Its pronounced funny" Lion growled impatiently. Chat and Ladybug just nodded quickly afraid to upset her more.

"I'm Aidan (ebooksfolife) and the girl cutting off the blood to my arm is Jen (MiraculousLb)" The Boy said grunting from the hold of the girl on his arm. "Sorry Aidan. I'm afraid of being up this high. Chat Noir I would hug you since I'm a Fangirl, but the thought of dying is slowly compressing that" Jen said as her face flushed a deep red from fear.

"Ok so I'm guessing that all of you have Miraculouses" Ladybug asked looking at the faces.


"Except Jen" Chat Noir pointed out glancing at her as the biggest smile in human-fangirl-history made its way on her face. "You know my name" She squealed squeezing Aidan more that she should causing him to yelp out in pain. "You litteraly told him your n-" Lion started, getting cut off by Rissa, narrowing her eyes teasingly at Jen.

"That's not the point. LadyNoir-" Rissa started to explain before Ladybug let out a laugh and sneered a annoying 'Told you so' in Chat Noir's face.

"We came here because, Hawkmoth, has sent out a beacon-"

"Like the beacon on Minecraft" Chat Noir said cutting Rissa off once again.
"NO IT'S NOTHING LIKE MINECRAFT. LET ME FINISH....Mhmm, Like I was saying Hawkmoth has sent out a beacon to all the Villians in Paris. We came to help you fight them because you can't do it alone" Rissa finally finished adding a smooth smile to the end.

"Are you underestimating us"


"Nobody cares. Let's just go to our shared training house and discuss everything" Lion chimed in rolling her eyes.

"Dang Lion you gotta be so straight forward" Aidan laughed back at her slowly regaining feeling in his arm. Jen had moved to the point where she was now clutched on Chat Noir's bicep smiling giddily.

"Well one of us has to be" Lion replied sassily sticking her nose in the air, then erupting with laughter with Aidan.

"Guys, Shut up and let's go to the house before I fall and die" Jen chipped in worriedly.


I just needed everyones info for the chapter.

Anywhooooo, LOVE YOU HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!


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