𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦

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Thanks for the request xPeridot

Marinette groaned as she threw yet another outfit onto her bed.

"At this rate you'll never be ready for this date" Alya said leaning her back on the wall behind her.

They were in Marinette's room as she got ready for her date with a boy who goes by the name of "Chat Noir". The boy had taken the name of one of the famous superheros in Paris. Alya had set up the date so that Marinette could get over her strikingly strong Crush over Adrien. Although, Marinette had told her plenty of times that her crush she had was no longer a crush but a 'fierce love that struck the middle of her heart'.

"Your not being any help, Alya" Marinette groaned and plopped on her bed.

"I give up. Probability of success has fallen below 50%" Marinette's muffled voice called through the pillow her face was so mercilessly pushed into.

"So you are a Boov now" Alya asked leaning towards the bed.


Alya went to Marinette's closet and begin to rifle through all the clothes Marinette had. Although, Marinette typically only wore one outfit to school she had so many clothes. Most likely because she loved to design clothes. Alya soon pulled out a red dress with black polka dots all over it.

The dress was fitted with a smooth silky design.

"Here wear this" Alya said monotonously throwing the dress at the back of Marinette's head.

"You're a genius. I love you Alya."


Marinette release of breath that she didn't know she was holding as she stood in front of the restaurant that she agreed to meet "Chat Noir" at. Of course at this time so many thoughts were going through her head. What if she knew the boy that she was meeting? What if he knew her? What if it was someone in real life who really didn't like her? Marinette rubs her hands together slowly trying to get rid of her anxiety. Slowly emerging from the dark shadows of Paris, a boy wearing a black shirt with strikingly green pants on with orange Converse stepped up to her.

"Oh Hi Marinette, are you waiting for someone" the boy who turned out to be Adrien asked her.

Marinette's eyes went wide as she stuttered out that told her that she was.

"If I'm not being rude may I ask who" Adrien asked her sticking his hands in his pocket.

Marinette didn't want to tell him that she was going on a blind date, she told him anyway because her heart had control over brain at the moment.

"Ummmmmm, C-Chat Noir" she said closing her eyes waiting for the judgmental stare.

"You're.... Ladybug" Adrien asks with wide, big green eyes and a smile that he for some reason couldn't go back.

"Are you... Chat... Noir" She asked with wide blue eyes.

"Yes I am" He answered her with a severe Crimson blush spreading across his face.

"Oh I-I'm so sorry that you had to find out this wa-Oh I'm so embarrassed" Marinette said hiding her face in her hands.

Adrian reached up and grabbed her hands pulling her towards him and engulfed and her in the biggest hug. "Don't be sorry because I'm so glad it's you".

She hugged him back as happy tears rolled down her face.

Adrien pulled her right into a kiss. The kiss was just as she remember it when she kiss Chat Noir. The kiss was sweet, it was loving. It wasn't rushed or needy. It was a kiss that, even though they had not known it, they both wanted.

They spent the rest of the night talking, chatting, and getting to know each other more than they already did. By the end of the night they had kissed a few more times, and never let go of the others hand.



 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 🔞Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora