I Cry

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I cry to let go,
I cry to not hold
All the emotions inside,
I'd rather not hide

I cry to push out,
All the fears that shout
In terrorizing voices,
That define your choices

I cry to let go,
Of all that I know
To shield my anger,
To hold back the daggers

I cry to stand tall,
You won't take away my all
I won't lose my dignity,
Tears represent humility

I cry to be me,
Not afraid to stay free
I won't fret to express,
No pain and no stress

I cry to let go,
My vulnerability will show
Not that I care in the least,
I'll unleash the inner beast

I cry to push away,
The words that you say
Hiding behind a smile,
Knowing that I've tried

I cry to let go,
Of the girl everyone knows
And to show that she has depth,
All these years she had kept

I cry to release,
I cry not to please,
I cry to let go,
What's inside you'll never know.


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