Dry My Sorrows

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You're always there to pick me up when I fall,
You dry away my sorrows when I can't take it all
You're there to listen when I pour out my heart,
You're personality is like a work of art
Always encouraging me to show my better half,
Even in the darkness you're there to make me laugh
Patient with my mood swings and reproachful of my words,
You're always empathetic towards the events that have occured
You're there to dry away my sorrows, each and every day
You're there for me to vent out my feelings, by me you'll forever stay
Even when I feel so lost, in the shadows I'll hide,
You make me feel wanted, that fire in me you'll ignite.


Sometimes I don't even know why people are still friends with me.

Sometimes I don't get what made me so special to get this far in life.

Sometimes I wonder what made me meet such beautiful people out there.

But when I'm with you, I feel on top of the world. When I'm with you, I don't need to be anyone else.
When I'm with you, I can be myself and still be loved.

When I'm with you, I don't doubt myself for a second.

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