Washing Machine

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Like the clothes in a running washing machine, 

Swirl the thoughts of a slightly psychotic teen

When it's time to throw in the load, the spirits are high, 

But when the switch is turned on, that's when you hear the cries

Going round and round in circles, the ambivalence is strong,

Torn between the options, the list of choices long

Pop in the suds and the litres of soap, 

You're suspended in midair on a tightrope

The emotions getting cleansed, preparing for the brainwash, 

The clothes spinning in circles, the torment won't stop

Entering in anguish and walking out squeaky clean, 

Spinning around in circles in the washing machine

The immediate thoughts repeating over and over again, 

Finally they click to place and the ambivalence ends

The puzzle piece was placed and you found the lost treasure, 

All because you put in extra soap for good measure 

Like the clothes in a running washing machine, 

There swirl the thoughts of a slightly psychotic teen. 


My life is like a washing machine. I walk into the open door with a big grin on my face and as soon as the load gets dumped in, that's when my life goes around in circles. Add some soap for good measure, and there I am, trying to survive the tidal waves of my thoughts. But once the trauma is over, I am drenched in tranquility. I have clarity. But it won't be long before the next laundry basket makes its way into sending my life spiraling once again. 

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