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I hate you, I despise you,
I need more words
I loathe you, detest you,
You're a nuisance in this world
Usually my life goes from up to down,
And it's those times when my smiles just turn to frowns
But what I need most is a blissful sleep,
Head on my pillow, drifting sweet dreams
My world is made of chocolate, I'm a fairy queen,
I'm talking to a dinosaur while floating in a stream
I'm flying with the birds, soaring in the sky,
I'm riding my pet unicorn who just learnt how to fly
Then I eat and read, enjoy throughout the day,
Forget all of my worries, and the duties ahead that lay
Slowly gaining inner peace and learning how to smile,
I accept myself for who I am and embrace my inner style
I forget about what others say and the taunts just leave my mind,
All the memories that bring me tears are all I've left behind
Head upon my pillow, in my dreams I'm singing,
And all the negativity flows back in when I hear my alarm ringing.


Does anyone else just hate the dingbat who decided to invent this contraption we call an alarm??!

I'm fully aware of my capability to sleep on end for years and it's all because of this one peppy object that makes its living off of everyone else's torture that I can't be the next Rip Van Winkle.

-Can you relate?- 😂😂

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