Lock The Door

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Turn around, forget it all,
Shut the door and have a free fall
Lock it tight so no one comes in,
Wrecks your life and makes it all spin

Don't come running back to me,
Because I had left and now I'm free
From all the drama and all the stress,
All the heartbreak and all the mess
I'm so much more relived than I was before,
Ever since I slammed and locked that door

I don't have to think back on what I could've done,
All because I chose to let loose, pull away and run
No more will I worry over you or your tiresome day,
All because I walked up to you and told you it wasn't okay

Then I pulled free and, I'm stronger than before,
All because I chose to close and lock away that door.


If it hurts, shut yourself out, have a good cry and lock away those old doors. Find new roads to happiness, find more paths to success. You'll get your happy ending, but first make sure to seal away the old memories and move on.

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