Breakfast, Updates, And Check Ups

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Hey y'all, I am your Water Princess, and I am back!!

Thank you for being so patient with me. My depression is finally at a manageable place, but I am dealing with a couple of other health issues. If it's not one thing, it's another. As my dad say's "That's life in the fast lane bunny."

I hope this meets all y'alls expectations and was worth the wait!


Harry starts to fuss and kick. Simon stands up and takes the fussy little thing from Josh. "Hungry boggy? Let's get you food ok?" He rocks him as he walks to the kitchen.

Josh strokes Tobi's head as he picks him up. "Breakfast for you too!!"


At the kitchen table, Olivia sits cuddling a mug of coffee and nearly swallowed by Jerome's hoodie. Cuddled into her were Vikk and Lachlan. Vikk's little hands were on the coffee mug because he was "helpin." Lachlan was basically sleeping against Vikk.

Mitch was coloring at Jerome's feet. The elder was making breakfast for everyone.

JJ, Josh, and Simon all came in with their charges and settled the tots into their high chairs. Breakfast was a surprisingly calm affair of butter toast and fruit salad.

Olivia was very quiet during the whole meal. Only really talking to Vikk and Lachlan about behaving and eating their food. Jerome sat next to her, mumbling kind words and rubbing her arm.

After breakfast, the tots were escorted to the playroom, and the adults sat in the living room.

"Alright Livvy. You have to tell them what you told me," Jerome tugged her into his side.  He wraps his arm around her waist.

The soft blue eyes looked up into Jerome's dark brown ones. She shook her head, strands of dark hair falling from her bun. "Don't wanna,"

"Come on Liv. You have to," He murmured and pushed the hair out of her face.

As Livvy looked around the room at the curious and confused faces, her lip began to tremble. She told them about Sophia's accusation and her own outburst where she sent Sophia away. Tears poured down her face, "She'll tell what I did, where I am, and and and take me away before I can fix it."

Jerome pulled her into his lap and held her close. "You said you might know how to fix them."

She took a shaky breath and nodded. "I h-have an idea. I I I think I might have the right sp-sp-spell. It's n-not easy. It's one of the most complicated one I've ever seen."

Jerome nodded and stroked her hair. Simon held Josh's hand tight. JJ just stared at her.

"Spells? What in God's name are you on about," JJ laughed, clearly nervous.

"Well, it's more a piece of magic than just a spell. A potion and a lot of spellwork. Some runes too," Olivia sat up and wiped her eyes. "I'll have to practice a little before. Make sure I don't make another mistake."

Jerome wrapped in his arms and held her closer than before. He could feel her heartbeat, and he could feel the tremors shaking her body, most of all he could feel how scared she was.

"So. What can we do to help?" Josh flashed her a smile.


I hope y'all enjoyed!!! It's been a long time coming, and I am sorry for that. As I said, I'm managing better than I have in years. My friends have been amazing, both IRL and online. I am so grateful to all the people who have helped me. It's no exaggeration to say they saved my life.


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