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"Okay, here's lunch money. If anything goes wrong call us, or Michael or Dre." Shawn said to Ari as she was getting ready to leave for her first day of middle school. "I'm nervous." Ari said with her head down. "You are gonna do fine baby girl." I smiled kissing her head. "But.... okay... I'm just scared." She said. "Don't worry, I got you sis. We're in the same building, so I'll be there." Alice said. "Bye guys!" Ari said waving as Alice dragged her out. The door shut. And tears filled my eyes.... I'm such a baby. "Babe." Michael giggled. "I'm scared for her. " I said looking out the window. "Come on." He giggled pulling me away from the window. "Lizzy, can I play with you today?" He asked with the cutest face, standing in front of Liz. She smiled, "of course, if it's okay with your mom & dad." She giggled. "Weally? Daddy! Can I play with Lizzy today?" He asked excited. "Jayden I'm sure Liz is busy today-" "oh no, he's fine. I love having a little one running around every once in a while. I can keep him today if you guys wanna go out and get some stuff done." Liz smiled. "pweaase!" Jayden begged. "Fine. But remember you be good or you won't get to play with your friends." Michael warned. "Yes daddy!" He cheesed. Michael kissed his cheek, "were gonna go buddy." "Mommy!" He whined. I picked him up, "I'll see you later alligator." "After while crocodile!" Jayden laughed. I giggled kissing his head. I set him down and me and Michael left and of course the first thing he wanted to do is get home and get naked....

It's been almost a year since me and Michael told everyone we were together. I can't believe how fast life is going. Our little girl is 11, Jayden is 5.

Michael kissed my neck as we were calming down from our climaxs. He kissed me all over, I ran my fingers through his hair as my mind travel into it own little depressing world. " Talk to me." He said still kissing me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I know that look on your face. Your thinking about something and you're not happy. Talk to me, please." He said putting his forehead on mine. I ran my hand up and down his back as i was trying to find the right words. "It's just... I'm getting baby fever again. I miss having a little Michael running around." I said softly. He brushed my hair behind my ear. "Do you wanna start looking into our options?" He asked. "Were not even married yet." I stated. "I know baby. That all will happen eventually." He said. "We can't adopt if were not married." I replied. "Okay, then think of it as we aren't ready for the baby yet. I know it's hard baby. I do. But every woman goes through baby fever when the time isn't right, I understand for you it's a harder feeling to go through. I want to do whatever makes you happy. I just think it's not the right time. You just moved in with us, we eventually need to get a bigger house. We will have another little boy or girl running around eventually." He said then kissing me. I nodded. "Thanks baby. You always know what to say to make me feel better." I smiled. "I want my girl to be happy and I know it's rough sometimes but I really want you to know I am always here and always listening." He smiled. I nodded smiling."You know you can talk to me too Michael." I said. He nodded. He kissed on my neck and I could feel his erection again. "again, seriously?" I laughed. "Hmmm I can't get enough of you." He giggled

We eventually did get out of bed and get some stuff accomplished! We got lunch, we did a little food shopping. Michael is such a picky eater! "I don't remember you being this picky when we first dated." I commented rolling my eyes. "Sorry I won't just eat anything." He replied with an attitude then I slapped his butt. "Hey!" He said. "Lose the attitude." I smirked. He grinned at me shaking his head.

"When do we enroll Jayden into kindergarten?" I asked. Michael didn't answer. "Michael." I said. "Never." He replied. It's so cute how he doesn't want Jayden to grow up. "Babe. He's gonna be 6. I know you don't want to but we have to." I giggled. "I want him to be little again." He commented. "Me too. I miss little Jayden." I said wrapping my arms around him. "Don't take this the wrong way, there's nothing I love more than being with you and having Aria with us again but sometimes I miss the days where it was just Jayden and me. He use to be all about me but now he's a mommas boy." Michael giggled. I rolled my eyes playfully, "yeah, I get it." I giggled. "I remember when Aria was all about me when you walked away. I loved having her to myself." "I didn't walk away." He scoffed. "Really? You wanna go there?" I said raising an eyebrow. "I didn't just walk away. I came back for her." He said irritated. "Yeah when she almost died!" I exclaimed. He rubbed his hand down his face like he was restraining from saying something. "Come on, say it." I egged him on. "Why are we even arguing about this anymore." He groaned. "Because you don't think you just walked away from us and you did." I said crossing my arms. "I walked away from you Dre not our daughter." He snapped. "You still weren't there for her." I said on the verge of tears. "Why do we even bring this up. Why?" He said frustrated. I shrugged. "It's apart of our history Michael! It's not gonna go away." I shouted. "Let it go!" He shouted back. I stared at him for a second then I turned away from him, running up the stairs. That was until he grabbed me. "Let go of me!" I hollered. He pinned me against the wall, not letting me go. I looked away from him, I don't know why I can't let it go. He grabbed my face, making me look at him. "Stop Michael!" I shouted till I was cut off by his lips. He smashed his lips onto mine, making me lose my breath. "Let it go." He mumbled against my lips. "But-" "were not there anymore baby." He said then kissing me again. "Michael-" "we've started over. Leave the past in the past." He said then picking me up. My.legs were wrapped around his waist as he kept kissing me. "I love you." He said against my lips. "I love you too." I replied. "Then stop throwing the past in my face." He said as my moved my shorts to the side, penetrating me with his erection. I gasped as he entered me.

I held on to him catching my breath still. "I'm gonna be sore tomorrow." I commented. I felt Michaels chest vibrate from giggling. He ran his fingers through my hair, "I know I kind of did walk away but I really don't want to address that anymore. Just like you don't like talking about what happened when you first moved in with Josh." He admitted. "Okay, I'll leave it alone. You're right. We started over. " he kissed my head. "Thank you baby. I really don't even wanna think about it. It's all a blurry mess but everything is perfect now & i wanna enjoy it. Especially with you, I honestly love you so much and I don't know how to express it all. I get afraid that your afraid I'm gonna end up doing what I did to you last time, this time and you're not gonna want me." He spoke honestly. "I do get scared of that but you know what scares me more?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "Not being with you scares. I look at you and I swear my heart skips a beat." I said. He smiled. "Same. Not being with you scares me. I wanna wake up to you every morning, spending forever with you sounds amazing." He smiled. I swear my heart just melted. I missed him lightly. "We should probably go get Jayden." I said softly. He nodded kissing me back.

"Dad! Ari isn't sharing!" Jayden hollered. "Really Aria." I asked
"What mom? I seriously just go to hold the him!" She exclaimed while holding the new kitten we got. Yes I finally got Michael to let us get an animal.
I took the cat from them and put her down letting her run off to play. "You're not being fair!" Ari whined. "I'm tired of you two arguing." I said. "What's the fuss about?" Michael asked coming down the stairs. "They're fighting over the cat again." I sighed. "Told you we should've never gotten that thing." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said. "I like her!" Jayden hollered. "Well if you two keep fighting over her she's gonna find a new home." He threatened. "Daddy no!" Ari whined. "Then stop fighting over her." He replied. "Yes sir." Ari said with her head down. He came by and kissed her head. "I'm off to work. Be good for your mother." He said then kissing me goodbye. "Eww." Jayden hollered covering his eyes making me laugh. "Love you baby." I said. "Love you too." He said then leaving. "Mom What are we gonna make her?" Ari asked talking about the cat. I shrugged. "I wanna name her Ranch! " Jayden giggled. "That's dumb." Ari replied. "Aria." I said sternly. "I wanna name her princess." She said. "That's dumb." Jayden mocked. "Mom!" "Will you two just stop or you both are gonna spend the rest of the day in your rooms." I said. "I don't even have a room." Ari replied with her arms crossed. "The guest room is your room." I said. I gave them lunch then thankfully we all relaxed for a bit.

"Mom can we look through these pictures?" Aria asked pulling this box out of the closest. "Sure. Bring them here." I said. I pulled out the first photo album and it was pictures of just Jayden, the next one was of just Aria then Jayden picked up one and started looking through it. He then random threw of photo album and ran off. Me and ari shared a confused glance. I got up, looking at the photo album & it had pictures of Nina... "oh..." I said realizing what was wrong. I went after him, finding him in his room crying. "Jayden, baby. Are you okay." I asked entering his room as he hid under the blankets. I pulled the blankets off. Tears soaked his face. "I'm scared mom!" He cried reaching for me. I picked him up. "Shhh she can't hurt you again." I said kissing his head. "But I'm still scared mom! She's scaryyy!" He whined. Then I hear heavy foot steps coming up the stairs. Michaels home. "What is going on?" He asked concerned.  "I didn't know there was still pictures of Nina In that box and he saw a picture of her. He's scared." I said. Michael sighed putting down his suitcase. He walked over, sitting next to Jayden and me. "Buddy she can't hurt you." He said. Jayden shook his head. "But she still scare me! I don't wanna see her." He cried. "Okay, I'll get rid of the pictures." Michael said. Jayden went to Michael as Michael hugged him. "I'm sorry buddy." He said.

We went down stairs and Michael took all the pictures of Nina and did something with them. It was dinner time and Jayden loves to cook with me. He was finally happy, having fun cooking. As I was cleaning a dish in the sink I felt Michaels arms wrap around me. "Hey baby." He said kissing my cheek. "Hey." I said tired. "You're tired. Let me finish this." He said. "No, you've been working all day. I've got this. You just relax." I said turning to him. "Just let me-" "go sit at the table now Mr. Jackson." I giggled. He giggled rolling his eyes going to the table. I served dinner and had a peaceful meal together. Michael did the dishes as I cleaned Jayden up and got him ready for bed.

Michael crawled into bed with me, wrapping me in his arms. He buried his face into my neck. "Don't forget were going to my mom's tomorrow." He said then kissing my neck. I hummed back closing my eyes cause I was so tired. "Goodnight baby." He giggled. I rolled over facing him. "Goodnight baby. I love you." I said going to sleep, feeling a gentle kiss on my forehead.

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