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"Aria set the table please!" I hollered from the kitchen as i tried to cook. "Yes mom." She groaned. As I kept cooking I felt this movement in my stomach making me gasp. "Babe? Are you okay?" Michael asked concerned walking into the kitchen. "Yeah, I just felt the baby move!" I squealed. His face light up, "really?" He asked. "Yeah." I said as tears formed. "Babe. Why are you crying?" He sighed giggling. "I forgot what it felt like to have a baby move in me. I never thought I feel it again." I smiled with tears as Michael hugged me. "Our baby is growing." He said. "I know. I love every minute of it. Well besides the constant mood swings and crying." I giggled. "Yeah." He said playfully rolling his eyes. I held his face, "You're so good to me. Thank you for putting up with my crazy ass hormones." I giggled. "You're welcome baby. I should've always been this good to you. You're caring our 2nd child and your body is going through all these changes again. This is tough on your body." He said. I just hugged on him. "Momma! Someone's at the door!" Jayden hollered. "They're here!" I squealed. I waddled to the door. I opened it and was greet with a big hug from my dad. "My pregnant girl." He smiled. "You ready to meet my crazy kids." He nodded excited. "Jayden Aria." Michael hollered Jayden came running in then stopped and got all shy. "Come here jj." I said. He slowly walked to me hiding behind my leg as Aria entered the room excited. "This must be the famous Aria." He said. Then She got shy and hid behind Michael. "Why are you guys shy all of a sudden?" I giggled. "Hi." Jayden said shyly. "Hi Jayden." My Dad said squatting down. "You're my grandpa?" He asked. "Yeah, that means I get to give you a lot of sugar then send you home with your parents all hyper." Jayden's eyes lit up. "I like him!" He said excited making me and Michael laugh. "Hi." Aria then Said giving him a hug. "I have 12 year old granddaughter. Man I feel old." He said making her giggle.

Everyone came in and met my kids. "This place is beautiful." Jane said in awe. "Thank you. Michael worked very hard for us to get this house." I smiled up at Michael. "You worked hard for this too baby."He replied. "Alright well I'll be finishing up dinner. Everyone make yourselves at home." I smiled then walking back to the kitchen as Jane followed. "I figured you may want help." She smiled kindly. "Oh yes. Im not very good at cooking. Help is always appreciated." I smiled. We were finishing up dinner, "Dennis is really happy to be in your life." She stated. "I'm happy he's in my life. I wish I could've had him in my life from the beginning." I smiled. "He does too. We all wish you could've Always been apart of our lives." She replied. "Yeah." I smiled.

The kids love Dennis and he is so great with them. My heart is so full right now. I have a baby on the way and a loving father, siblings. "So I can call Dennis grandpa?" Jayden asked excited. "Yeah. He is your grandpa." I smiled. "Man I feel old." He joked. "You are old." Ronnie giggled. "Watch it." Dennis joked back. "So what do you guys think it is?" Jane asked excited. "I really think it's a boy. I just have this hunch it is." I smiled. "Me too. She carried low with Aria and she's not with this one." Michael added. "I hope it's a boy cause girls are boring!" Jayden said giggling. "What about you Aria?" Jane asked. "I think it's a girl. I hope it's a girl." She replied. "So is Jane my grandma too?" Jayden randomly asked confused. "That's up to her. This is all still pretty new to us all buddy." Michael told him. "He can call me grandma if that's okay with you guys." Jane said. "Yeah that's fine with us, we just don't want to force this all on you." I said worried. "Oh no. I'd love to be their grandma." She smiled excited. "And she's my aunt and she's my aunt?" Jayden asked pointing to Cami and Layla. "Yeah and Ronnie is your uncle."  "This is so cool!" Jayden squealed making us all laugh.

"So what did you guys think when you found out you were pregnant?" Cami asked as we were talking about our lives trying to get to know each other at the dinner table. "The first time I was so scared. I was 15 living with Michael. We both were so shocked and terrified. But once Aria was born, I loved being her mom. This time, being pregnant-" "What about Jayden?" Layla asked confused. "I didn't birth Jayden. We really don't talk about his biological mother. But she was extremely unfit mother. Not like how Michael and I were with Aria but she is a monster. Jayden is terrified of her so we don't speak of her." I mentioned. "Oh wow." Layla replied. "This pregnancy we..... were still in shock. I thought I had extremely bad food poisoning but turns out I was pregnant. Our little miracle child." I smiled. "Janes pregnancies were similar. Such bad morning sickness, we had to make a couple hospital trips it was so bad. That's way after Layla we were done. But Ronnie came along and her pregnancy with him wasn't as bad but it was tough. I praise her for living through all those pregnancies. She's definitely super mom." Dennis said holding Janes hand making her blush. I love how much in love they are. "Your pregnancy with Aria was pretty smooth." Michael commented. "It was. Little morning sickness but that was it." I replied.

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