Family Shows Up

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"Michael! Michael!" I hollered. I could hear him bolting up the stairs, "are you going into labor!" He hollered making me laugh. "No but I have super good news!" I squealed. "We've formed a program for Terrence! They called his mom and told her that she was selected for this program and the two younger ones are starting at a top rating day care tomorrow and Terrence should be at school everyday." I said as i started crying. "Babe." He said hugging me. "I'm even more emotional." I giggled while still crying. "Thank god we can do this for him. We have a whole payment plan figured out?" He asked. I nodded. "It isn't perfect but it'll keep him in school." I said. "What are you guys freaking out about now?" Aria giggled walking past our room. "Come here babygirl." Michael said. She sat on the bed between us, "we went to Terrence's house a little over a week ago, you wanna know why he hasn't been at school." Michael said, she looked up at him, "his grandma passed away. And he need to help his mom watch the kids so she could work. He was going through a really rough time." Michael told her. Aria started getting tears in her eyes. She felt guilty. "So daddy and I organized a program to help Terrence's mom with daycare and other expenses. Terrence will be at school everyday now and he may come over so daddy and I can help him catch up with his homework and grades." I told her. She nodded, "I feel really bad." She cried. "You're 13. You're learning how to become the person you want to be and this taught you to be a better person than the people around you." Michael told her. She nodded listening. "I want to be his friend." She admitted. "Then Be his friend."'I said. "I'm afraid to get bullied again. I get scared." She admits with her eyes closed. "Bullying is going to happen babygirl. But you can't let it make you be scared of being a good person." Michael told her. "You're right. I need to tell him I'm sorry." She said. "That's a good idea." I said.

We asked Aria to keep us updated to make sure Terrence was going to school. She came home from school and In came Terrence with her! "Hey Terrence!" I said excited. "Hi mrs-" He began till I have him that look, "hi Dre. Sorry." He smiled. "You guys hungry?" I asked trying to get up. "I'll help you mom." Aria laughed. She ran over and helped me stand up off the couch. "Thanks babygirl." I sighed. I made them some sandwiches and Michael was home shortly after with Jayden. "Hey Terrence." He smiled. "Hi Michael." He smiled. He seems happier. "You guys eat?" He asked. "Yeah, Aria is gonna help me catch up on all my homework. The teachers said if I get it down my the end of this month I won't have to repeat this year!" He said excited. "That's awesome. We'll get to work then. I'll let you guys know when dinner is done." Michael said. "Hey mom." Jayden said hugging my huge belly. "Hey jj. Did you- ah..." I said taking a deep breath. I think this is another Braxton Hicks contraction. "Dre?" Michael asked. "Y-Yeah?" I asked trying to breath through it. "Are you having a contraction?" He asked. "Ah- um no, I don't know. I had one similar this morning." I said. "Moms having the baby!" Jayden yelled and sure enough Aria and Terrence came running down. "Do we have to-" Aria began. "I'm not having the baby yet. My contractions are really far apart she may not be here till next week. My body is just getting ready." I said. "Dad?" She asked. "She's right. Moms body is just getting ready." Michael reassured. Once the kids cleared "are you okay?" Michael asked worried. "Yeah, she not ready yet." I replied. He kissed my forehead.

It was dinner time and Michael cooked, I just have no energy. I ate a little but I just couldn't eat with how uncomfortable I'm getting. "So how much did you guys get done?" Michael asked. "We actually got half of it done. Terrence knows almost all of it besides some of the newer lessons." Aria said. "That's great. I'm proud of you guys." Michael said. "How are things going Terrence?" Michael asked. "A lot better. My mom is really thankful for the help. She usually wouldn't accept help but she knew she needed to do this for me. She's a lot happier now that there isn't much stress on her now. We're very thankful." He said genuinely thankful. "All we ask is for you guys to stay in school then pay it forward when you get older." I said. "I will." He smiled. "And my mom finally met a really good guy." He said excited. "Oh really? What do you know about him?" I asked. "He has been working in logistics for over 10 years and has one daughter. He buys her flowers a lot." He said. "That's good. I hope it goes well for them." I replied. Everyone finished dinner and i was beat. "Babe I gotta go to bed." I told Michael hugging on him. "That's okay. Aria will watch Jj while I take Terrence home. I went up to bed and passed the hell out.

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