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I was shaking I was so scared about what the doctor was about to say. "Is my husband okay?" I asked worried. "Follow me." He instructed. We followed him up to the next floor and down the hall. "Your husband is in this room. We had to preform surgery on his foot, he has multiple broken bones in his foot. He has slight swelling to his brain, he hit the side of his head pretty hard on the window. His left arm is also broken, his nose is also broken but luckily that was an easy fix. Other than that he has a couple broken ribs, a couple stitched up cut and bruises. He's going to recover fine." He smiled. I sighed in relief, "thank you so much. Can we see him?" I asked. "Yeah, go right it. Just keep him in a good state of mind. We're still trying to get the swelling to go down on his brain." He replied. I was quick to get into his room, I walked in to see Michael laid up with all this stuff connected to him. "My baby." I cried. I was at his side in no time. I gently brushed the hair out of his face, "hey baby." I said softly. He slowly fluttered his eyes open. He looked around the room, "where am I?" He asked. "You're at the hospital." I replied. "Where is aria?" He asked confused. "Shes on the floor under us. She's okay." I told him. He seemed really confused, "Are you feeling okay?" I asked him concern. "I'm just confused.... I dropped her friend off didn't I?" He asked. "Yeah. It was only you and aria." I replied holding his hand. He was checking himself out, trying to see what was all wrong. "Can I walk?" He asked concern. "Not right now baby. You had surgery on your foot." I told him. "Oh.... where's Jayden?" He asked confused. "He's with Josh." I replied. "Oh...." he looked over to me and smiled lightly "I love you."  I just smiled back at him with tears, "I love you too baby. You really scared me." I told him, kissing him. "I'm sorry. The dispatcher wouldn't let me hang up the phone to call you." He said shrugging. "She just wanted to make sure you stayed alert." I smiled. "I am so hungry. Please don't make me eat hospital food." He begged making me laugh. "I'll go get you some food. I'll pick Jayden up while I'm out." I smiled kissing his forehead, "nu-uh. Right here." He said pointing to his lips. I kissed his lips, "I'll be back. Your mom is right here if you need anything." I said then leaving. I called Josh and told him I was coming to get Jj. The only food place that was open was McDonalds.... he's just going to have to live with it. I'll get everyone a little something.

I picked up a sleepy Jayden, "is daddy okay?" He asked rubbing his eyes as I buckled him in. "Yeah, daddy just has some bumps and bruises." I smiled. I drove right back to the hospital after I grabbed some food. Jayden was getting excited to see Michael, I had to hold his hand the whole way because he wanted to run. "This is daddy's room." I said opening the door letting Jayden run in. "Daddy!" He squealed. "Hey bud." Michael smiled. "I was worried! But your okay!" Jayden smiled. "I'm all okay. I'll be even better if you go get that food from your mom and bring it here." Michael giggled. Jayden ran snatching the bag from me. Michael dug in and ate like he hasn't ate in a week. "I don't even know what happened." Michael groaned. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Aria and I were just talking then all I saw were headlights coming at me. Did I swerve into the other lane or something? Was it my fault?" He asked worried. "No baby. It wasn't your fault. The guy who hit you, they found his car half a mile down the road wrecked. He was drunk." I told him. "Oh... is Aria mad at me?" He asked concerned. "Babe why would she be mad at you?" I asked even more confused. He shrugged. "I'm actually going to go see her and give her food. I'll be back." I said. He nodded pulling Jayden up into his bed. Jayden sat next to him talking about all his bumps and bruises as Katherine was dozing off in the chair next to him.

"Hi mom." Aria smile as I walked into her room. "Hi babygirl. How are you feeling?" I asked kissing her head. "Fine." She yawned. "She still acts a bit confused but that's it." Shawn said. "Michael is being the same way. They both hit their head really hard." I replied. "Is daddy okay?!" She asked freaking out. "Daddy is fine. He just has a broken foot, arm and nose. He's worried about you though." I said. "Can i go see him, I can walk!" She said sitting up. "Hold on babygirl. Let's get a nurse in here and ask her first." Liz said. We pressed the button for the nurse and meanwhile I gave Ari some McDonald's to eat.
" is everything okay?" A nurse asked. "Yeah, she just wants to go up and see her dad." Liz said. "We can wheelchair her up there for a bit." The nurse smiled. They got her a wheel chair and she sat in it. She can walk but they don't want her to do much activity right now. We wheel chaired her up there. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" Jayden hollered. I opened the door and Liz pushed aria into the room, "Dad!" She said excited. "Hey babygirl." Michael smiled. Aria just started crying, "baby why are you crying?" Liz asked her. "I was so scared!" She cried. "It's okay babygirl. You both are okay." I told her. "I know. I just want to go home." She said drying her tears. We wheeled her closer to Michael. She got up and sat next to Michael. Michael slowly was trying to sit up but it was a little difficult for him. Eventually he was sitting up. They sat there just holding onto each other. It was an emotional moment. You knew they were both scared but they knew they were okay. Michael gently kissed her head. "Are you okay daddy?" She asked worried. "I'm fine babygirl. Just banged up. I'm just happy we're both okay and able to recover from this. It could've been a lot of worse." He told her. "I know. I was just really scared." She said softly. "I was scared too." He told her. "I want to stay down here with you. I don't want to be in a room alone." She told him. "I can ask a nurse if they can put you guys into a conjoined room." Liz smiled walking out of the room. "Jayden is knocked out." Shawn laughed. Michael looked to his other side to see a passed out Jayden. Michael kissed his head and hugged both the kids. I could see something was really bothering Michael, I know the accident it self was traumatizing but there was something else. Liz came back shortly, "they don't have any rooms available right now. Me and daddy will be here the whole night with you though." Liz said hoping that was good enough. Aria smiled, "that's good. I want you guys to stay with me." She told them.

They took aria back to her room and I took Jayden and laid him on the couch to sleep. I sat by Michael and just held his hand. He just looks so exhausted. "Are you in pain baby?" I asked softly. He shook his head no. "What's wrong, something is bothering you." I asked. He shook his head like he was upset. I stood up sitting next to him on his bed. "I was so scared." He said. "I know you were baby." I replied kissing his hand. "I woke up and look in the back seat and she wasn't moving. She wouldn't wake up." He said as a tear slid down his cheek. I gently wiped his tear away. "The wreck itself wasn't the scary part. Her not moving or anything in the back seat is what was scary. I had to pull her out of the back seat and climb out of a ditch. Even when I laid her down on the grass, she would barely move." He said as more tears poured. I couldn't help but cry with him. I couldn't imagine doing that, my poor babies. I leaned over and just hugged him. He was just crying and crying, I've never seen Michael cry so hard. "It's a good thing you didn't let her sit up front." I said. He pulled back looking at me confused, " How did you know about that?" He asked. "When aria woke up she kept saying that you wouldn't let her sit up front. A officer came into the room while she was saying and told us that if she would've sat up front, she probably wouldn't of made it. He said your passenger side was completely crushed." I told him. "I really thought about letting her sit up front but something kept telling me not to." He said lost in his thought. "I told you parent intuition was real." I giggled trying to lighten the mood. He smiled at me rolling his eyes. "I'm so tired baby." He sighed closing his eyes. "Go to sleep baby." I said brushing his hair out of his face. "I want you to sleep with me. I don't want to sleep without you." He said eagerly. "okay okay, just let me use the bathroom then I'll get into bed." I smiled

I got into the hospital bed with him, it was a tight squeeze but he held onto me so tight. "I love you so much baby. You scared me so bad today. I've never been so scared in my life. None of this was your fault, but I can't even explain to you what was running through me head." I told him. "I know you were scared. That's why I wanted to call you so bad. I don't even know how long we were in the truck passed out." He said rubbing his face. "About an hour. Josh and I were about to go looking for you guys. Right as we were about to walk out, the cops called. Don't you ever scare me like that again. I can't do this by myself." I told him as tears surfaced. "Baby, I'm not going any where. Shit like this happens. We're okay." He said holding my face then kissing me. "We're not going to have sex for awhile are we?" He asked giggling yet disappointed. "We'll have to see how things are once we get you home." I laughed. "I can't barely move babe. I have to go to sleep." He said as his eyes closed. I kissed him good night and we finally got some rest.

I woke up to Michael groaning in pain. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked worried. "Everything hurts. My face is throbbing, my foot hurts. Dre, please get a doctor. I'm in a lot of pain." I quickly got up and went and found a doctor.

"On a scale from one to 10 how bad is your pain?" The doctor asked concerned. "8.5" he groaned. "I'm putting some pain killers in your IV. He'll be out like a light, he'll be a bit loopy too." The doctor said as he injected it. After a couple seconds Michael sighed in relief. "How do you feel now?" The doctor asked smiling knowing the answer. Michael gave thumbs up smiling while closing his eyes. "I just want my wife's fine ass in my bed." He said wiggling his eyebrows making his mother laugh. "I'll let you guys be. Buzz if you guys need anything." The doctor laughed leaving. Michael just kept staring at me, "What?" I laughed. "Youre just so hot. We're married right? God I hope I married you." He said. "We're married babe." I smiled. "Oh you called me babe. Must be serious." He smiled making me laugh more. "Well we have two kids live together and are married." I laughed. His eye nearly bugged, "holy shit, go me. How the fuck did I manage to get you? Do you love me too ?" He asked. I walked up to him, kissing him, "I love you so much baby." I smiled. "Oh man, I really just want to have sex with you right now." He said dazed. "Go to sleep." I giggled. He shrugged and closed his eyes, was out like a light.

I went and visited aria and as soon as i laid eyes on her I knew she was exhausted. "Why aren't you sleeping babygirl?" I asked sitting on her bed next to her. She just bursted into tears. "It's all okay babygirl." I told her, hugging her. "I was so mean to daddy yesterday. I hate all this." She cried waking Shawn and Liz up. "What's going on babygirl?" Shawn asked. "My emotions are every where and I hate it. I keep fighting with everyone." She cried. "We know baby girl. It's apart of growing up. We're going to get through your teenage years fine." Liz said. "Do you think we could get a doctor to give her sleeping pills? She hasn't been to sleep." I asked. "Let me go ask." Shawn said leaving the room. "Is daddy doing okay?" She asked wiping her tears. "He's still in pain but they gave him some meds and he's feeling better. You both are going to swore for a couple days." I said brushing her hair back.

A doctor shortly came in and gave her some sleepy meds and she was finally out. This is such a crazy roller coaster. I'm just glad both my loves are okay though.

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