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It's 4am and Dre is finally being herself. She laid in a hospital bed, she slept mostly through everything. The ambulance ride, getting her into a room, the only time she woke up was for the CT. I held her hand the entire time, once she woke up and was told what happened she started to panic.

"Everything is okay baby," I said softly holding her hand to my face then kissing it. "Something is wrong Michael," she said on the verge of tears. "Whatever it is, we will be okay." I said tiredly. "Josh is stopping by at 6 on his way to work." I said. She nodded exhausted. "I'm so hungry baby." She whined. "I don't know if food is a good idea right now baby." I replied. "Will you please lay with me, Michael I'm scared." She said crying. She had been trying to get me in this tinny bed with her for the past hour. I finally cave. We laid there for an hour, then a doctor came in. I sat up quickly, " did you guys figure out what's going on?" I asked eager. "Not quiet so we're going to take her for a ultrasound and a couple other test, so we're going to steal her for a bit again. It's best if you stay here and get rest." The doctor said. I nodded. A nurse came in with a wheelchair for Dre. I helped her out of the bed and into the chair. I gave her a kiss, "I'll be here waiting. Everything is okay." I said. She nodded.

They kept her for a while and Josh finally got here. "How is she?" He asked worried. "She's being herself. She just has been sleeping a lot. And if she isn't sleeping she's crying cause she knows somethings wrong." I said exhausted. "Hopefully it's nothing from the car accident or from when she hurt herself coming back to haunt her. She scared the shit out of us." He said. "I just hope it's something we can fix. I can't do this without her. I knew something was wrong when she came downstairs pale." I said rubbing my face. The nurse knocked then brought Dre back into the room. I quickly got up, helping Dre up and into bed. "I want to sit up for a minute. I don't feel good." She said pale again. I grabbed the pink bucket. "A doctor will be in soon guys." The nurse smiled. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her. "They made me do a mammography and stuck a thing in me to get a sample out of my cervix. That always makes me nauseous." She said then throwing up in the bucket. I rubbed her back, Josh pulled her hair back and put it in a ponytail for her. "Lay down," I said taking the bucket into the bathroom and dumping it down the toilet. I stood in front of the mirror, grasping my sides of the sink. "She's okay. She's fine." I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath and went back out to her. Josh sat on the edge of her bed as she cried. She's so scared and exhausted.

Josh went to work and I laid with Dre. She kept saying she was cold so I did my best to keep her warm. Hours passed and finally a doctor came in. I sat up, waking Dre up. "Wake up baby, a doctor is here." I yawned. Luckily she woke up easily. "Hi I'm Dr. Davis." She said introducing herself. "I'm Michael," I said shaking her hand. "I'm guessing your the husband." She smiled softly. I could see it in her face, something came back on those test. I sat next to Dre holding her hand. "Mrs. Jackson your mammogram came back with some alarming results. We aren't sure what is exactly going on till we do a couple more test. We're going to keep you for at least another night till we get definite results." She said. Dres eyes filled with tears, "a nurse will be back in here soon, we are going to do an MRI and mostly likely a biopsy. We will send that off to the labs then hopefully we will have more answers." She said. "Thank you," I said soft as she left. Dres hand covered her mouth as she was breathing heavy. "Hey they didn't say anything for sure. Take a deep breath." I said holding her.

The whole day they kept taking her for test and more test. We were so tired. She finally got to eat but by that time she lost her appetite. I made her eat some jello at least, but of course once I got some actual food she wanted some. I couldn't help but to smile as it was cute how she kept trying to steal my food. "Here," I said offering a bite of my burger. She quickly took a huge bite and then moaned from finally eating real food.

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