Finding Serenity

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"I'll be waiting out here the whole time." Michael said then Kissing me. I nodded as he held both my hands. "Hopefully this helps." I said with a half smile. "Yeah. But we can always trying other things if this doesn't help." He said. "Its time for me to go in there." I said taking a deep breath. He nodded letting go of my hands. I turned around grabbing the door nob slowly opening the door. I didn't think I'd end up back here. I entered the room to be hit with the smell of peppermint. I took in a deep breath, enjoying the smell.

"Glad you enjoy the smell, hi I'm Kelly Williams." This medium sized brunette said reaching out to shake my hand. "Hi, I'm Audrey Rose. I go by Dre though. And Yes. It's peppermint right?" I smiled.
"Yes! Studies at the Sense of Smell Institute confirm that peppermint oil has mood-elevating properties that make it useful for alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can help to boost your mood and relieve feelings of sadness as well as enhance mental performance and feelings of happiness." She explained. "Oh wow, I did not know that." I said as we took our seats.
"That being, one of the first things I recommend is to use essential oils, such as peppermint. I've gone over your file and this is something I recommend for all my clients. It's a easy step to take and an easy first step." She smiled. I nodded, "okay."
"Now I've spoken with your past therapist and I want you to know what you are feeling is okay. You've gone through traumatic experiences and this is normal." She said in a soothing tone. "Okay. It's just.... I have the perfect life now. Why do I feel this way?" I asked on the verge of tears. "Let me just go over a couple things to make sure this information is right.... you and Michael had a daughter then the whole situation happened, you guys didn't speak for years, you guys meet again through your biological daughter. You got into a car accident, then you and Michael fell back in love, you adopted his kid he had with the women he cheated on you with." She asked. I nodded, "and now we're engaged." I smiled softly. "Congratulations." She smiled genuinely happy.

"So the bottom line is, Michael is gonna be a trigger for your depression." She stated. I looked at her confused. "Your heart is filled with love for this man and your kids but your mind holds those memories, those scarring memories. Youve mad peace with them but sometimes they sneak up and attack when least expected such as when everything is perfect." She said. I nodded, " That makes sense." I said. "So I want you to express what you feel through the day, even if it's horrible. Whatever is said, doesn't leave this room. I need to see what your daily mood and thoughts are so I can recommend exercised or other options for you." She said

I expressed to her my daily frustrations and tribulations. She took notes and was very intensive with her work.

"Wait, how do you and Michael know eachother?" I asked randomly. She set her pin down and took her glasses off, "Michael came to me a little while after your daughter was given up for adoptions. He struggled with depression for a short bit." She said. "Right." I said looking around the room. "Since I know Michaels personality and his strengths and weaknesses, I think I have some good exercises for you both to work through together and some just for you." She smiled. I went and got Michael, bringing him into the room. "Hey, Kelly." Michael smiled shaking her hand. "Hey Michael. How are you?" She smiled. "Fantasic." He said sitting next to me. I grabbed his hand holding it. "So here are some exercises for you both. So this is for when you think she's struggling to keep her depression away or when She just
Seems down. And here are just daily things to do, to get your day started off right. They may seem dumb but they work sometimes." She smiled. Michael took the papers looking at them. "Great. We'll definitely do these." He said. "And remember Dre. This is completely normal. What your feeling is expected. Don't feel crazy or ungrateful for the awesome life you have. Things will be okay." She said grabbing my hand comforting me. "Thank you." I smiled softly. "Alrighty, I thinks that good for the day. See you in 2 weeks to see how the progress is coming along." She smiled shaking mine and Michaels hand. "Thank you." I smiled gratefully.

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