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"Terrence move over!" I whined. "Sorry," he said tiredly. "I'm sorry," i said instantly apologizing. "It's fine, it's 4am. Go back to sleep." He said putting his arms around me. "I can't, ugh." I said in discomfort. "Will you be mad if I sleep in my parents room with my mom?" My dad is gone for the weekend at a conference. "Not at all baby, i want you to rest well." He said closing his eyes. I leaned over kissing him then got up and peed. I snuck into my moms room and crawled into bed with her. "What's wrong baby girl," she asked still half asleep. "Nothing, I just need my mom." I said laying down. She held me, running her fingers through my hair. "Are you stressed?" She asked kissing my head. I nodded, "it will all be okay." She said. "What if it isn't? What if I end up like you? Depressed, Alone, broke, and scared?" I asked truly scared. "That's impossible." She smiled softly. "You have way to many people around you that love you and support you. I just had your dad. You have me, daddy, Terrence, your parents, all your grandparents." She listed. "You're right." I replied. "You're grandpa is freaking out about being a great grandpa. He's excited." She said with her eyes closed. "I love him, he's the best." I smiled. We laid there then my moms phone started ringing. "Who the hell?" She said looking at her phone. "Hello? Yes." She said. "Wait what?! Is he okay?!" She said jumping out of bed. "Okay I'm on my way." She said hanging up the phone. "What's wrong mom?" I asked sitting up. "Your dad is in the hospital." She said running up and getting dressed. "Is he okay?" I asked surprised. "I think so but I'm not sure." She replied. "Can you keep an eye on Demi and Jayden? Please?" She asked. "Of course mom." I said. "Just please let me know what's going on as soon as you know." I said. She nodded running out the house. "What's going on?" Terrence asked seeing my mom run out of the house. "My dad is in the hospital." I said sad. "Oh no, what's wrong?" He asked concerned. I shrugged, "they didn't tell her anything over the phone." I said. "Are you going to stay in here or lay with me?" He asked. "Lay with you." I smiled. I went and laid back down with Terrence, he kept rubbing my stomach, talking to the baby. "We're going to make sure you're taken care of and loved on. We're going to be the best parents we can be." He said then kissing my stomach making me giggle. "I love you and your mommy soooo much." He continued. He sat up and kissed me. "I love you." He said again. "I love you too T." I smiled. "Do you think we're going to be okay?" I asked biting my lip. "We are going to work through this. It's going to be hard." He said. I nodded. "Get some sleep love." He said kissing my cheek.

Dres POV

I drove so fast to this hospital scared as hell, a million things ran through my head as I drove down the highway. It took me an hour to get there but it felt so much longer. I need to get to Michael. I parked my car rushing into the hospital. "Hi how can I help you?" The receptionist asked with a smile. "My husband is here, Michael Jackson." I said shaking. "Right this way," she said showing me the way to Michael. We walked down like 4 different hallways and took me to the CCU which scared me even more. "Alright room 310. A doctor will be in at some point this morning to check on him." She smiled then left. I slowly opened the door to the dim room. "Baby?" I called out. I walked in and got a closer look. Michael was asleep with all these wires attached to his chest. "Michael?" I called out again. "Hmm." He moaned. I sat next to him on his bed as I couldn't help the tears of worry. "Dre?" He said opening his eyes. "I'm here baby, are you okay?" I asked grabbing his hand kissing it. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned in pain. "I think i might've had a heart attack." He said.  "What?!" I freaked out. "My chest really hurts." He groaned. I brushed his hair out of his face, "what happened?" I asked with tears. "I-I-I was about to go to bed then i lost my breath and had these bad chest pains. I don't know, I call Quinn and she came over and then she started freaking out cause I collapsed. So she called 911." He said. Tears streamed my face. "Michael you're too young to have a heart attack," I said. "I don't know what else that would've been but it was painful and scary." He said in discomfort. "Knock knock," a males voice said. "Hi," I greeted. "Hi, I'm guess you are mrs. Jackson?" He asked. I nodded. "How do you feel Michael?" He asked. "My chest hurts." He said with his eyes closed. "Well you show a lot of signs of a heart attack. But it seems to be a minor one." He said. "Isn't he too young to have one?" I asked worried. He shook his head, "if he's stressed out and not eating right and not exercising, anyone can have one. It just isn't as common." He said. "We're going to keep him for probably a week, we need to run some more test and get more answers." He said. "Thank you so much." I said then he left then i turned to Michael "Listen here asshole. We're changing our diets and exercising and you better stop stressing cause you are not dying on me. You hear me?" I said wiping my tears. He laughed. "Okay okay." He said. He leaned up, signaling me to kiss me. I left a long last kiss on his lips. "You better stop that before you send me into another heart attack." He joked. "Baby I can't stay in here for a week, I miss the kids." He said sad. "You need to be healthy for your kids. I'm not leaving you. We're figuring this out and we're going to live a healthier life style. I need you." I said with tears. "Don't cry baby, I'm okay. We don't eat that terrible." He said. "Michael you'd eat junk food all day if I let you!" I hollered, he rolled his eyes. "No more junk food and your getting back into the gym. We are doing this together." I said. "Okay." He yawned. "Go to sleep baby." I said. "Lay with me," he begged. "Michael we both won't fit in that bed and they have all those wires attached to you." I said. "I'm taking them off," Michael said going to remove them but then a alarm went off as he pealed one off. "Michael! No!" I hollered. The nurses came in and they were even annoyed. "You have to leave these on." One nurse stressed. "I don't like them." "Too bad Michael! Those are on you for a reason!" I stressed. The nurses reattached him to the wires. "This is stupid." He pouted. "No you acting like this is stupid." I said. "Don't make us come back in here," one nurse joked.

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