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Demi is a dream come true, the most beautiful thing I've seen. My dad was so happy to be a Papa. Seeing Michael with her made me fall even more in love with him. He was a dream come true too. Most couples lose that spark when they have a baby but i don't think I've wanted Michael more than i do now.

Demi is a month old and she on a good sleeping and eating schedule. Michael gets up with her too and that is so helpful, he does skin to skin with her and she already is such a daddies girl. Jayden has grown to be a big brother to her and he is loving his job as a big brother.

"Babe, Demi is awake." Michael said as he was trying to leave for work. I got up and got her breast feeding her. "Michael, i don't think I can breast feed much longer, I really don't like it and it hurts."'I whined. "Babe you can stop whenever you want." He said kissing my head then Demi's. "Okay." I sighed. I really don't want to stop but it's painful. "I'm leaving baby." He said then kissing my lips passionately. I held the back of his neck kissing him back. "You better stop that or I'm going to be late for work." He said making me laugh. We still haven't had sex since I've had Demi. My body's still healing.

Ari comes over a little more and so do Shawn and Liz so they can spend time with Demi since they are her god parents. They want to take on the full role of god parents which means helping Michael and I and giving us a break when needed. They really don't give Michael and I a opinion, they literally make us leave the house to get grocery shopping done or make me go to sleep. They are such a blessing. "Knock knock." Liz said coming into the house. "Hey." I smiled. "It's just you?" I asked. I nodded, "Michaels at work." I said as I was rocking Demi. Demi was in a milk coma, passed out. "She looks so much like Aria when she was a baby." She gushed. "I know she does." I smiled rubbing my thumb gently over her chubby cheek. "Is there anything you need?" She asked as she picked up the toys in the living room. I let it a light giggle, "no, she's a pretty easy baby today." As I yawned. "Do you want me to take her so you can sleep?" She asked eager. "I'm fine Liz." I giggled. "Sorry, am I being overbearing?" She asked nervously. "No, i feel like your my mom trying to make sure I'm doing okay." I giggled. "Are you calling me old?!" She joked. "Not at all." I smiled. "How's Jayden been?" She asked. "Good, Erin and josh are going to take Demi tomorrow so we can have a Jayden day to make sure he's not feeling left out or anything." I replied. "That'll be nice. He'll love that." She said. "It's a surprise though." I warned her. Demi started smiling in her sleep, Liz and I were just gushing over how cute it was. She then woke a bit and started rooting. I knew what this meant. Liz was completely cool with me breastfeeding in front of her. I started breastfeeding and it was so painful. I was nearly in tears. "Dre what's wrong?" She asked concerned. "It hurts." I cried. "I just don't want to breastfeed anymore." I admitted. "It's okay to stop breastfeeding Dre." She said concerned. "I don't want to get mom shamed! I breast fed Aria for such a long time." I said wiping my tears. "Your body is not the same. If this is making you upset and putting you in pain then you need to do what's best for you and her. She needs a happy momma that's not in pain." She said rubbing my shoulder. Demi finished feeding then Liz took her so I could put ointment on my breast. My nipples are cracking and they're starting to bleed. I sat in the bathroom crying then I called Michael. "Hey baby," He said. "I'm going to stop breastfeeding." I sniffled. "Baby, i told you it's okay to stop breastfeeding her." He said concerned. And the tears started again, "I just really wanted to do this, all the stuff the lactation nurse told me to try Isn't working!" I said upset. "Calm down baby, it is okay to stop. As long as Demi is fed that's all that matters." He told me. "I know but I breast fed Aria for months." I whined. "And you were 16 years old with a young body that could handle that stuff. You're in you late 20s baby. Do I need to come home? I'm coming home." He said. "No, it's fine. Liz is here. I just feel like I failed." I admitted. "You didn't fail." He told me. "Okay." I replied. "I love you." He said. "I love you more."
I sighed wiping my face. "I'll be home in a couple hours." He said. "Okay. I'll see you then." I said hanging up.

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