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I sat across from my dad, just him and I. I know Michael and I said we'd do this together but I want to do this on my own. I had a glass of water as I sat across from my dad. "How are you feeling? I heard you had a rough night the other night, I tried to call you but I know you were in the hospital." He said. "I'm sorry I should've answered. It was just to hectic." I said nervous. "What's wrong Dre, you're not yourself." He said coming to sit next to me. He put his arm around me, "dad, how did your mom pass?" I asked softly. "She had breast cancer." He said softly. My head dropped, "Dre don't tell me your sick." He gasped. I nodded wiping my tears. I just start to sob. I needed my dad. He hugged me so tight. He pulled back with tears. "Hey we're fighters. You got this. We got this!" He said sternly as the tears slid down his face. "I don't want to lose my hair dad, I don't want to keep feeling like this! Im so tired already, I'm going to be bald!" I cried. "The hair grows back, you will look beautiful bald." He said holding me still. He kissed my head. "We're fighters." He repeated. "I should get the girls test for the gene shouldn't I?" He asked. I nodded.

My sisters have been texting me all night after my dad told them. I couldn't help but to smile. I love having sisters. "Are they still blowing up your phone?" Michael asked crawling into bed with me. I nodded smiling. "I love having sisters." I said. "It felt nice having a dad to cry to." I said. "Yeah, I'm glad he's in your life." Michael smiled. I leaned over kissing him, "come here." I said kissing him. He leaned over, getting on top of me. "You know this explains why you've had no sex drive. I know you like it just as much as I do and you haven't been wanting it lately." He said. I nodded. "I want to but my body just isn't working with my mind. I want to want it." I said frustrated. "Hey it's fine. You have no control over this. You know I'll be fine without it. As long as I have you I'm happy." He smiled kissing my neck.

"Breath baby," Michael said as he comforted me. It's 3am and I feel so sick. I cant stop throwing up. My whole body was shaking. I couldn't get myself to calm down. I was puking and having a panic attack. The bathroom door opened and in came Aria. "Go back to bed Ari." Michael said exhausted as he sat on the bathroom floor with me. "No I can help." She said worried. "Can you grab a blanket to wrap her in?" He asked her. She quickly got a blanket and draped it over me, hugging me. "D-don't, I'm gonna be sick again." I warned her. "I don't think you have anything left in your stomach to throw up," Michael sighed. "I have my zofran still! Can she take that?!" Aria asked. "Give it to me," I said not caring if I can or not. "Dre-" "no Michael. I don't care. I want it. I feel so sick!" I cried. Aria went into her bathroom and got me her zofran. I took it as fast as possible. Michael and Aria both sat with me on the floor. I laid against Michael, trying to stay awake. "Does your stomach feel better?" He asked tiredly. I nodded. "Alright let's get up," he said helping me up. I leaned against him so tired and unable to move. "I can help you mom," Aria said. She grabbed my hand helping me to my side of the bed. She grabbed an extra blanket, laying it over me. "Can I lay with you?" She asked. "Of course," I said. She crawled in bed with us and helped keep me warm. "Your shivering still mom," Aria said worried. "I know. I'm cold." I said trying to snuggle into the blankets to warm up. Michael sat up and took his shirt off, then pulling me into him, using his body heat to warm me up. "That's better," I smiled. I was asleep in no time.

"Mama," Demi's little voice whispered. "Mama," she whispered again. "Uh," I groaned. I feel like shit. "I want you," she whined. "Demi what did I tell you!" Michael hissed. "She's fine. I got her." I groaned waking up. It's 1pm?!? "It's almost my nap time mommy. I think you should get a snack and come back to bed with me!" She smiled melting my heart. "That's a good idea Demi, get mama up and let's get her some food then back to bed," Michael said then walking back downstairs.

I held Demi's hand as we made it downstairs. Michael stood at the sink washing dishes. "Go sit in the living room, I'll be there shortly." I told her. Once she ran off, I was quick to hug on Michael. He turned to me hugging me back. I pulled back to see the bags under his eyes. "Baby," I said worried. "Did you sleep at all?" I asked. He shook his head. "Baby, that's not okay." I said. "I'm fine. I want you to rest. JJ is going to a friends here in a minute and then I'm going to nap with you and Demi." He said. "Where is ari?" I asked. "She went to her parents." I nodded. "Go eat," he said shoeing me off.

A Lovely Surprise IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin