Following in her steps

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My hands shook as I sat in the waiting room. "Breath Ari." Alice said patting my back. "How could I be so stupid!" I said as tears swelled up. "We don't even know for sure, let's wait and see what the doctor says." She said. "Aria Kindle." A nurse called out. My legs wobbled as I stood up. Alice grabbed my shaking hand and helped me follow the nurse. "Is this your sister?" The nurse smiled asking Alice. She nodded. "Alright let's check your weight." I stood on the scale and I'm the same weight so that's a good sign right?? "My parents are gonna kill me." I said getting scared again. "No they aren't." Alice replied. They walked me to a room and had me do the pregnancy test and other test then had me sit and wait. It was just Alice and I again. The silence in the room felt deadly. I knew what the results were but there was a little hope there was something wrong with me.  "What are you going to do if you are?" Alice asked softly. I shrugged, "look into my options?! I don't know!" I said crying again. "Will you just tell me who the father is at least?" She asked. I shook my head. "Just know you have my support in whatever decision you make. Just think about it and remember these decisions will be permanent. You can't undo them." It was 30 minutes we sat in there. The nurse came in and sat down with a doctor.
"How are you feeling today Aria?" The female doctor asked. "Okay..." I said shaking. "The test came back positive." She said taking a deep breath. "Noooo." I said instantly crying. Alice patted my back. "I can't have a baby!" I said. "You have options." The doctor said. I nodded, "Let's go through the process, making sure everything is going okay, see how many weeks you are. Then we will talk about your options." The doctor said. "Okay." I said shakily. They took me into another room where we waited to be examined. I kept looking at my stomach. "I can't even do anything right. How could I make a right decision." I said. "You will know what the right decision is." Alice said. "How could I be so stupid!" I hollered. "Mistakes happen Aria, you aren't stupid." She said concerned. "My dads are gonna hate me!" I cried. "Dad and Michael love you no matter what, why do always think they hate you?!" She asked. "They're just so hard on me sometimes!" I cried. She held me as I cried and cried. "I don't want anyone to look at me different if I don't keep it," I whispered. "Do what you feel is right, just know once you do it. You can't go back." She said. I nodded. The light knock came at the door and In came another doctor. "Hi Aria how are we today?" She smiled. "Okay." I said holding my stomach. "Alright well I'm just here to do your check up and an ultrasound." She said. "Alright." I whispered. She had me laid back and hiked up my gown. I laid back staring at the ceiling thinking about everything. What my life would be like with a baby, what I would like if I don't keep it. "Everything looks good, you seem to be about 6 weeks, now what we're gonna do is a internal ultrasound and we will get to see the fetus." She said. I nodded. I felt the stick slid into me. I watched the screen knowing I shouldn't. That it will only make it harder. "Do you wanna hear?" She asked softly. I nodded. She moved the monitor around a little more than turned the sound on and we could hear the heart beat. Tears swelled up in my eyes again and then she showed me where the baby was. "That's my baby?" I asked wiping my tears. "Yep, so far everything looks good. Very strong heart beat." She said. She gently took the monitor out of me. "A nurse will be in soon to go over everything with you." She smiled then leaving. I look over to Alice and she had tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "I hate that you have to much such a tough decision. I just don't want you to feel alone and that you have me no matter what." She said hugging me. I needed that hug. "Knock knock." A nurse said. "Hi, I'm Winnie." She said shaking our hands. She sat in front of me and greeted Alice. "These are the ultrasound pictures. You don't have to take them if you don't want to." She said. "I want them." I said. Alice grabbed them for me. She had multiple folders laying them out in front of me. "There is a tough decision to be made." She began. "You do not have to decide today. But we are on a time frame with one option. So we will make an appointment next week to make a final decision unless you know what you want to do now." She said. "I-I...." I said trying to get out the words till I bursted into tears again. "Give yourself time. I can tell you are very conflicted and this isn't a decision to make out of confusion and hurt." She said. I nodded. "Take these pamphlets home and discuss your options with some loved ones." She said. I nodded grabbing them. She left us and I began to get dressed. They did give me prescription for zofran for my nausea.

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