Drama drama drama

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"So a date night every other week, a weekend alone ever 5-6 months and a vacation once a year for just us." I smiled as i wrote down our plan. "Sounds good to me." Michael smiled softly as we sat on the couch. We realized we weren't taking care of our marriage. We focused on the kids so much that we were forgetting to focus on each other. "And we leave for vacation this weekend." I squealed excited. "Hmmm let's see if you come home pregnant this time." He joked. "I'll surprised if I don't." I laughed. "I don't know why we can't go, that's not fair." Aria said rolling her eyes. "Oh so she rather us be cranky and argue." I said looking at Michael. "So we make you guys cranky? Woooww mom." She said with an attitude. "No but us not having any alone time period makes us cranky. Your dad and I need us time. Just like you need space sometimes we do too." I said.

The weekend couldnt come fast enough and our vacation was about to begin. "Noooo Daddy!" Demi sobbed. "Don't leave me!" She cried. "I'll be back babygirl." He said rocking her. "Noooo." She whined. "Baby were gonna be late for our flight." I said. "Mommy don't go!" She scream crying. I kissed her head then Liz took her. "Daddy!" She cried as we walked out the door and of course I'm crying. "Babe. She's gonna be okay." He said. "I know but we've never been away from her." I sighed wiping my tears. He kissed my head and we continued to walk to our car. I sighed laying my head back. Demi hasn't been away from us for more than a day.

Arias POV

I held Demi as she screamed and cried. "Mama!!!" She cried. "Moms coming back sissy." I said softly. "Nooo I want my mama!" She cried. "You gotta just let her cry Ari." Mom said. "Why?" I asked surprised. "She doesn't understand what's going on," Dad commented. "So let her cry?" I asked shocked. "That what we had to do with you ." Dad said. "Well I'm gonna soothe her. I can't just let her cry." I said rocking her. "Sissy." She whined. I took Demi up to my room as she continued to cry. I laid on my bed with her, I turned on the tv and she kept crying calling out for mom and Dad. "Is she okay?" Dre texted me. "She's still crying," I texted back. "Rub her back turn the tv on." She replied. "Okay. Love you guys." I texted. I rubbed her back and played with her hair and Demi was out like a light. I cuddled Demi close and took a nap with her.

"Sissy." She whined. "I'm here." I said holding her close. "I hungry." She yawned. "Let's go eat." I smiled. I started making Demi some spaghetti Os and the smell of it made me nauseous. I put my hand over my mouth hoping it'd go away but then I felt it coming up. I dart to the bathroom vomiting. "Aria?!" My Dad shouted. He came in tying my hair back. "I told you that Chinese food was bad!" My Dad shouted at my mom as James my brother was throwing up earlier too. "Well sorry for having a craving! You guys could've ate something else." She said with an attitude. "Daddy I don't feel good." I whined. I laid against the wall trying to catch my breath. "Let's get you to your room." My Dad said helping me up. "Sissy!" Demi called out.


"Babe, this is exactly what we needed." I smiled as we sat on the beach. "Yeah it is." He smiled. I laid back against him. "You seem happy." He smiled. "I'm always happy with I'm with you." I giggled. "Hmmm i don't know if that's true." He laughed. "Even though I maybe mad sometimes deep down, I'm always happy with you." I said turning around kissing him. "Yeah?" He asked smiling into our kiss. I nodded. "Promise."

It was so nice being able to lay in bed with him all morning and having him to myself all night. I didn't realize how much I missed sex with him. We can't keep our hand off of each other. We've been here two days and it's been so relaxing. We've done some couple activities such as giving each other massages and cooking together. I do miss my babies though, I talk to Demi at least three times a day. Jayden is just having so much fun at Josh's he doesn't even realize we're gone. Aria has food poisoning, my poor baby.

Michael and I laid out in our hammock, "Are we done having kids?" He asked. I shrugged, "I haven't had baby fever." I said. "I think we're done." He said. "Me too. Three kids is enough." "What if you do get pregnant again?" He asked. "If i do then I do. It is what it is." I said. He nodded, "you know I can always tell when you're getting depressed. You were there for a minute and you wouldn't talk to me." He said a little hurt. I took a deep breath, "I wanted to get through it without bothering you. I wanted to do it myself but I couldn't. But so were you." I replied. "You we're becoming distant and weren't talking to me baby. I thought something was going on, I don't like it when you don't talk to me and we tell each other to fuck off." He said. "I'm sorry. I should've cause it caused more problem than anything. And I could tell I was hurting you. Especially when you asked me if you were enough. That broke my heart." I said as tears swelled up in my eyes. "Don't cry baby," He said kissing my forehead. "I don't want to ever make you feel like that. You'll always be more than enough. I've never looked at another man the way i look at you." I sniffled as I wiped my tears. He pulled me closer kissing me. "Think I can fuck you in this hammock?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. "Michael!" I laughed. "I think it'd Be difficult." I giggled.

"Momma come home!" Demi whined over the phone. "We'll be home in three days babygirl." Michael told her. "Now!" She cried. "But Liz is taking you to Disneyland tomorrow." I said. Her eyes shot up with happiness. "What?!" She asked. "Yeah Demi we're going to Disneyland tomorrow." Liz giggled. "Stay gone!" Demi told us making us laugh. "Are you being good for Liz and Shawn?" Michael asked. "She is being very good." Shawn said. "Good." I smiled. "Well were gonna go eat dinner babygirl we will call you tomorrow." Michael said. "Love youuuu!" She hollered. "We Love you more!" I hollered back. Michael hung up the phone. He tossed the phone onto the table and pushed me back into the couch kissing my neck making me giggled. "Why are you laughing?" He laughed. "Cause, you have like endless sex drive." I smiled. "Well I'm not the only one, because someone else is cumming right along with me." He smiled. "I can't get enough of you." I shrugged. He shook his head laughing laying his head on my chest as I ran my fingers through his curls. "Jayden's calling." I sighed. Michael reached for the phone. "Hey buddy." He yawned. "I know we will be home in three days buddy." He sighed. "See if Sissy feels well enough to come stay with you."he suggested. "We Love you too. We will call you tomorrow." He said hanging up. "Man our kids are clingy." He laughed. "I love it sometime though." I smiled. Michaels phone kept dinging, someone kept texting him. He grabbed it confused. He was looking through the texts still confused. He shook his head covering his face with his hands. "What?" I asked. He sighed, "I need to tell you something." He said. I sat up, "What's going on?" I asked softly. "I should've told you but i didn't want you getting worked up... you know Janet's friend Kamari?" He asked. I nodded. "Well Janet gave her my number cause she wanted to meet with my boss about a record deal, and she won't stop texting me." He said. "Let me see." I demanded. He handed over his phone. "You went to lunch with her?!" I freaked. "Baby, Just let me explain! She said it was business and that's when I realized she was making moves on me. Baby I promise, I just don't know how to make her go away." He said. As I was going through his phone I saw multiple times she was trying to get him to go out with her and he either never answered or kept declining. And now she's texting him and acting like it's business. Michael replied to her that he was on vacation with me and to stop texting him and to only text Mark about whatever business deal they have going on. I'm pissed. "Baby, I swear to you." He began. "Stop." I said still looking through his phone. She kept texting him. Now she calling, "Hello?" I answered pissed and Michael didn't stop me. "Hey, can I speak with Michael. It's about business." She said in this little cute fake voice. "No. Leave my husband alone. He's not interested. Stop harassing him or we will get the cops involved. He told you to leave him alone and you won't." I threatened. The line was silent. She hung up. We sat there in silence. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. I shook my head. He grabbed my hand gently. "Take a breath." He said. Then his phone rang again! I snatched it quickly. It's Janet. "Let me talk to her." He said sternly. I gave him his phone. He put it on speaker, "Hello," he said. "Why is your wife threatening Kamari??" She said with an attitude. "Cause you're little friend will not stop calling and texting after I've asked her multiple times to leave me alone." He told her. "She just trying to achieve her dreams! She eager!" She replied. "No janets. She was hitting on me when We had a lunch business meeting. I'm not stupid. I know when a woman is attracted to me." He told her. "There was no reason to threaten to involve the police though!" She hollered. "She harassing me Janet! Why are you defending her?" He hollered back. "I'll tell her to back off but don't get the cops involved. Okay?" She sighed. "As long as she leaves me alone we won't." He told her. "Okay...." She said then hanging up. I'm so fucking pissed I'm shaking. I  quickly got up stomping off, "Babe!" He hollered coming after me. He grabbed me pulling me into him. He held my face, "i love you." He said. "I know I'm just pissed. Why don't these women ever have any respect for me?!" I said. "They're not women. They're immature girls who don't know the value of a marriage." He said. I rested against his chest. He kept kissing my neck, "I love you so much baby." He said Kissing my collar bone then down my chest I laid my head back sighing in pleasure he always knows how to make me calm down.

Arias POV
I'm still getting sick..... ugh this sucks. I can't keep anything down and I'm miserable. I laid in bed exhausted and Terrence keeps checking on me. "Can I come in?" Alice shouted through the door. "Yeah." I groaned. She came in my room sitting on my bed. "Do you feel any better?" She asked worried. I shrugged. "I can't keep anything down." I yawned. "But I'm so hungry." I added. She felt my face, "Okay mom." I giggled. "You're not warm...." She said worried. I shrugged. "I feel like shit." "Aria..." She said. "What?" I said giving her a weird look. She sat there staring at me. "What?!" I said irritated. "When was your last period?" She asked softly. Everything stopped as I had to really think about that... I don't even know. "If you don't remember then it's been a while Ari." She said. "I think I'm suppose to get it soon." I said unsure. I got up looking at my calendar. My skins began to crawl realizing I'm over a week late.

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