New for Me

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I laid in bed all night just thinking..... I have never met my dad. I popped up and poked Michael, "Babe.... Babe!" I whispered. "Huh? Is the baby okay?" He said sleepily. "Yeah." I replied. "Why are you waking me up then?" He groaned rubbing his eyes. "I wonder if this is how Aria felt when she wondered about you before we got her back." I told him. He sighed, "how do you feel?" He asked with his eyes still closed. "I just keep wondering about him...... I might have younger siblings....." I said. He rolled onto his side facing me. "I really want to have this conversation babe but I am so tired. Can we talk about this in the morning?" He asked. I nodded, "Yeah." I replied. He embraced me as he went back to sleep and I finally passed out.

I woke to Michaels hand rubbing my belly, I laid my hand on his and he pulled me closer snuggling into me. "You want to talk now?" He giggled. I laughed a little. " I think I can relate to how Aria felt when she was wondering about you. I want to know what he looks like at least....." I sighed. "Yeah, now we know you really don't look anything like your dad. I can see it." He replied. "Like this is why he never went to father daughter dances or anything like that. Because he's not my dad." I yawned. "If this really starts to get to you, please tell me. I really don't know where this is going to take you." Michael said worried. Then my phone rang, it was josh. "Hello?" I answered. "Dennis! His name is Dennis Wade." Josh said excited. "How do you know?" I asked. "I talked to mom. I'm on my way over so spill the rest of the story. Get ready."  Josh said then hanging up. "Dennis Wade." I repeated. "Thats his name?" Michael asked. I nodded "my last name was supposed to be wade." I added. "Well now it's Jackson soooo." Michael joked making me smile. I got dressed and put comfy clothes on.

I waited on the couch sipping on some tea waiting for Josh

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I waited on the couch sipping on some tea waiting for Josh. I was preparing myself for good news and bad news. Michael soon joined me and lightly rubbed my back. "Are you scared?" He asked. I shook my head, "this man hasn't been in my life period so if he doesn't want to be now it makes no difference." I said. Michael nodded understanding. The doorbell rang and Michael got up to answer. "Hey Josh." He smiled. "What's up Mike?" He smiled back as they gave each other a brotherly hug. Josh quickly made his way to me, "I got her to tell me what happened." He began. "Okay." I said softly. "Mom obviously had an affair. She said things between her and dad or I mean my dad got bad and she started seeing Dennis. Then she got pregnant. She knew Dennis couldn't support you guys so she told dad everything and he agreed that you guys could stay if she stop seeing Dennis. Dennis knows nothing about you, she never told him about you." He said taking a deep breath. I nodded taking in all the information. "I want to meet him." I said. Josh nodded, "I know, I have a private investigator already trying to find him." He smiled. I smiled lightly. "Thank you." I said. He nodded, "Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, I just don't want to get my hopes up." I said. "Now that we know your pregnant I can definitely tell." Josh joked making me laugh. "How did you get mom to tell you?" I asked. "I had to let them come to the birthday party." He sighed. "Nice." I replied. He nodded rolling his eyes. "I just can't believe they kept this from us." He sighed. "I mean it makes sense now though. I look nothing like Dad or act like him. Him and I have nothing in common. I mean I barely look like mom." I said. "That is very true. But hopefully we can find him because I want to meet him." Josh smiled. "I'm actually anxious to meet him to." Michael added.

A Lovely Surprise IIWhere stories live. Discover now