Little Helps

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The room was silent as we all sat in Liz and Shawn's living room. Aria hasn't stopped crying. Shawn was taking this a lot harder than any of us. Terrence's mom and step dad sat with us. "Please tell us you guys aren't really going to keep this baby?" His mom said. I saw Aria arms tightened around her stomach. "I'm keeping it." Aria said softly. "We should talk about it, I don't think it's best for her to keep this baby." Terrence mom Mia said. "We don't get to make this decision for her." I said. "This is something that is up to her." Liz added. "Don't make me abort my baby!" Aria cried. "We're not. No one is making you do anything." I said Aria rubbing her back. "I'm sorry." She said. "Stop saying sorry babygirl. What's done is done." Liz said kissing her head. Shawn shook his head, "I don't understand how you could let his happen," he said. "I-I-" she began shakily. "Shhh, just breath."Liz told her. "Terrence doesn't need this right now." His mom commented. "Oh and Aria does? This was An accident. So we're gonna sit here and figure out what we're gonna do. They're gonna have a baby whether you like it or not." Michael snapped. "Mom. Aria and I are having This baby." Terrence said. "How are they gonna parent this baby?" Terrence's mom said stressed out. "Terrence is gonna have to move in with one of us and Aria is gonna have to permanently move some where. No more of this going back and forth." Michael said sadly. Liz and Shawn nodded agreeing. "How do we decide this?" Liz asked. "I guess it's gonna be whoever can be there and help more. She's gonna need someone to watch the baby while she's at school." Michael said. "Do you guys really want another baby added on in your house?" Liz asked concerned. "I won't mind. I mean our house is already baby proof and we already have a nursery set up. Our home is ready for a baby." I said. "And you guys already put the house up for sale." Aria said softly to Liz. "You're right. I just don't want to see you go." Liz said getting teared up. "Terrence is not moving in with anyone." His mother added. "Yes I am! This is my child and I'm gonna be there." Terrence snapped. His mom shook her head. "Momma!"'Demi whined waking up from her nap. "I'll get her Dre." Shawn said.

Shawn brought down a tired Demi. "Tt!" She gasped seeing Terrence. "Hey," he smiled as she ran to him. She loves Terrence. She hugged him then of course curled up in Michaels lap. "Did you sleep well princess?" He asked her. She nodded. I watched Aria as all she could do is stare at the floor. She feels defeated. She feels like she's at rock bottom. "How do we handle this?" Shawn asked out of the blue looking at Michael and I. It caught us off guard. We kind of stared at each other, "um, just be there." I said. "There's no point in shaming her or Terrence for it. What's done is done. This baby is already going to take a toll on her body. She doesn't need us making it any worse." Michael said. Shawn nodded. "But Aria you are going to have to give everyone time to accept this." Michael told her. She nodded completely exhausted. "Aria please go lay down, you are exhausted." Shawn said. "It's just going to take me sometime to get use to this all, and Terrence moving out." His mom admitted. "Aria is a good girl. I'm just glad it is someone like Aria and no some hoe from school." She added. "I will admit I was gonna lose my shit if it was Kenny." Shawn admitted. "Same." We all said.

We told the rest of the family. Michael and I went to his mothers and told her in person. We all sat at the kitchen table as the kids played. "How are you guys handling it?" Kate asked. "Kate if you would've seen her on the bathroom floor crying and freaking out, I couldn't even be mad at her for a second. She's so scared." I said. "So were you." Kate replied. "I just don't know what we did wrong, how did we not prevent this?" Michael said rubbing his hand down his face. "Michael there's nothing you could've done. I laid down very clear rules to you guys and Dre still got pregnant. No 15,16 year old in the right mind lays down and has sex with the intention of getting pregnant." She said grabbing our hands. "It's karma isn't it?" Michael joked due to the hard time he gave Kate. She shrugged laughing. "Ew you're gonna be a grandpa before your 40." I said to him. "That makes me sound so old." He said grossed out. "Just love on her a lot. We should've done that with you guys and hats m one regret is not being more present for Dre." Kate said. "Kate she wasn't your responsibility-" "that maybe so but you needed my help and I wasn't there. You needed us and we all abandoned you." She stated. It still bothers her I guess. Michael held my hand as we all kind of sat in silence. " mama!" Demi hollered running to Kate. "Yes dear." Kate smiled. Demi brushed her hair out of her face as she was trying to tell on one of her cousins, "mama. Randy say a bad word." She said. "Oh no, well I'm guess I'll hav to whoop his butt." Kate joked. "Yeah." Demi agreed. Kate picked Her up sitting her on her lap. "Mommy!" Demi smiled. "Mom Dom keeps saying I'm an uncle! Tell him I'm not!"'Jayden said walking into the room. "You're going to be. Aria is having a baby." Kate told him. "Why?" He said confused. I couldn't help but giggle. "Cause Sissy Just is." I said exhausted. My phone dinged and Aria texted me She was going to our house. "She heading over to the house."'i told Michael.

Aria was curled up in a blanket on the couch when we got there. I put my purse on the table then laid with her. "I feel sick constantly and I can't stop crying." She whined. "Man this is some déjà vu." Michael laughed. "When your mom was pregnant with you this is exactly what she did." He added. I nodded agreeing. "Just Breath babygirl. Soon enough you'll be getting excited, finding out the gender, picking out names." I said trying to get her excited. She gave me a light smile. "Terrence isn't gonna want me anymore. I'm going to be fat and ugly." She cried. "Oh here we go." Michael said picking up the toys in the living room. "Hush Michael." I hissed. "Terrence will still love you, it's gonna be hard but you guys will be okay." I promised. "I'm gonna get fat." She cried. "You aren't going to be fat." Michael said. "What do you want to eat?" I asked her. "Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, I want to eat everything mom." She said.

Everyone finally went to bed and I had Michael to myself. I climbed on top of him as he laid in bed. He leaned his head against my shoulder. "Let's just forget about it for a second." I whispered. "I just.... how did she end up in our situation...." he asked clueless. "Hey. Like your mom said. No one plans on getting pregnant at 16. She was being reckless like we were. She's our daughter." I said. "Demi better never, oh god. We gotta go through this whole teenage girl phase again." He groaned. "Hey, It will all be okay. We're gonna take care of our girl no matter what." I said Kissing his head.

Terrence came over the next day and ate breakfast with us, Aria was eating everything in site and Is in a better mood today. "That was so good mom."'she groaned. Terrence was quite most of the the time. I know this situation isn't ideal but he seems very off today. Michael and I cleaned up breakfast, "I think you should talk to Terrence. Give him some advice." I said. "I don't think I'm exactly the best person to give advice about this situation." He said. "Michael you learned from your mistakes. You're the best person to give advice." I said correcting him. "Okay, I can try." He sighed kissing me as he walked out.

Michaels POV

Terrence and I went for a drive and I could feel his energy was off. "Talk to me," i told him. He shook his head. "I don't know how to be there for her." He began. "What if I can't be the father I need to be for our kid? What if I suck at this?!" He said freaking out. I laughed. "Your gonna suck at it, Dre and I suck at parenting. Demi was running around screaming the F word the other day. You have to accept you are not going to be the best but you have to try your best." I replied. "I just...... I'm lost." He said. "I know you are but you have all of us. This is going to be hard but it will be okay. But Aria needs you there, do not make the same mistake i made and leave her to raise this child. It will eat at you for the rest of your life." "I know. What if I'm not enough for her?" He asked. "Terrence, you're enough. Aria loves you to no end, you being there and loving her is all she needs." He nodded, "Are you still mad at me?" He asked. I gave him a look, "hell yeah, Terrence look where you two put yourselves." I said. "When you came through the door after we found out, you were gonna be dead meat." I said. "I've never been so scared in my life." He admitted. "Good. But please talk to me when you need advice. Don't keep it bottled up. Aria needs you and you need her. Aria is so much like her mom so she's fragile and you know that. All she needs is love." I said. He nodded. "Can I move in now?" He asked softly. I looked at him confused. "What's going on?" I asked. "My Family is just giving me a really hard time and I know what we did Is wrong but like you said, we have to focus on this baby now. They keep telling me I'm a disappointment. My mom thinks I'm going to be like my dad." He said upset. "Yeah you can move in. Of course. You need support right now." I said rubbing his shoulder.

We went to go get his stuff and his mom threw a fit, after she calmed down she finally let Terrence get his stuff and we headed back to the house. "What's going on?" Dre asked. "He's gonna move in now," i said. She nodded. We helped him carry his stuff in, "is he staying in Arias room?" Dre asked confused. "Might as well, she's already pregnant." I said. "Is everything okay?" Aria asked. "Everything is fine, I just need to be here... with you." Terrence told her. She smiled and hugged him. "Dad your okay with this?" She asked. I nodded, Dre rubbed my arm knowing this is hard to watch. "Tt!" Demi squealed running to Terrence he picked her up and he let her help him get things unpacked.

"Are you okay?" Dre asked as we got dinner ready, "just stressed." I sighed. "Well we have our date night this weekend so we can relax," she said smiling hugging on me. "Babe, we can't do date night right now. We have so much to do." "We're doing date night, this is exactly why we started bickering so much cause we aren't putting out marriage as a priority. One night out isn't going to hurt." She said getting a little upset. "Okay okay, you're right." I sighed. "And It will be good practice for them to watch Demi." She smiled then walking away. I grabbed her pulling her into me, I kissed her neck making her laugh. "I love you baby." I told her. "I love you too." She giggled.

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